Overclockers UK - We are moving location!! A bright future within a warehouse over triple the size.

Congratulations guys.

It's great to see in these dire economic times a business that's doing well and expanding.

This move should hopefully set some strong foundations for even better growth in the future when the economy rights itself.

Well done.
Ah good, the old location was always annoying as If I went on my way home would have to go all the way round the A500 roundabout and come back on myself. I'm pretty much round the corner now.

Don't be spending too much time in Buffet Island.
Had the "pleasure" of driving past your current and new locations on the Jubilee weekend while swapping stationary traffic on M6 for very slow traffic through Stafford/Newcastle-under-Lyme - if that is typical traffic I'm amazed you ever deliver anything. N-u-L seemed to ring a bell so looked up your address when we eventually got to our destination, found it on google maps and confirmed we'd driven past.

Amusingly discovered a couple of days later we were then staying a just down the road from one of your competitors near Leeds.
Should be moving to Telford Business Park in Telford :( unless I get my own business sooner! :) Don't worry OCUK, it not the computer parts business anyway! lol
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Gibbo, are there any plans of opening up multiple venues around England in the foreseeable future?
I mean, in Dorset, the only PC shops we have are the useless PCworld etc.
It would be nice to see a OCuk shop open up in multiple counties, so everyone can go into your store and just bathe in your shops' awesomeness.
Please respond.
+1 multiple venues would be a good idea but surely it will cost OCUK business a lot of money to rent the business, electricity bill, gas bill and so on ! It just impossible unless OCUK win the euromillion lottery say around £150,000,000,000,000!
Multiple stores is a possibility, however costs of running is more expensive. - Having the main HQ and doing all dispatches from there seems to work well for us. But you never know, the higher powers may have plans for the next few years which may take us somewhere else.

Let's sit on the roller coaster and take a ride, it has been a great ride so far, from my perspective of seeing the company growing at Fenton, moving to Newcastle, and now moving again. Not something you can experience with most companies, it is brilliant to see your own company grow and grow and get better and better. And we aim to lead, and for others to follow! It is all interesting for us, and for you. So it is a matter of just enjoying it!
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