Overhaul of miniscule living room, little project

Done! (pretty much)

The only way I can properly get it all in a picture is to pano it, so don't be alarmed, the shelves aren't bent!


All set up now. Got a few bits to go back in. Also need to get some blinds, and get the rest of my posters bought and framed up (and buy a blu-ray player). Aside from that though, all done.
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looks good -- is the chair too close to the door ? Can the door open and someone comeon in if you are sitting at the mac?

Any chance of a floorplan ?

Just about. I have to squish in a bit, but it's the only way everything will go in the room, it's tiny.

As for a floorplan, here's the sketchup I made when I was designing it, the measurements are pretty sound:


It's pretty much square, and obviously has a big corner missing!
Where did you get the desk from? like the look of it! also i like the idea of it on brackets.....maybe add that to my todo list!
Hey again,
The wood that you've used for the desktop and drawers do you have a link to a supplier?

Having so much trouble trying to find plain colored or generally non kitchen looking stuff in decent sizes that don't cost an arm and a leg.
The furniture was cut and made at the factory owned by a guy my dad does a lot of work for, the actual brand of the wood I'll find out when he's in tonight :)

Having it built was I suppose relatively expensive but I think with a room as tiny as this it helps you to make the most of limited space, and it's lovely quality.

The grey grained wood does have a 'feel' to it though, an artificial grain. Mouse works fine but I'll be getting some sort of mat...
Cheers mate :)

Yeah looking at making the most of the small space I have to utilise, nigh on 3m square with a wonky wall lol. Problem I have is finding something deep enough, most kitchen worktops appear to be pretty slim, my old desk was about 75cm deep which I liked as it meant the screen was a decent distance away.

Was looki9ng at the things marketed as breakfast bars but most of em are in hideous "kitchen" patterns lol
Right, I've found out what the top is. It was made by the guy I mentioned and it's a vinyl wrapped MDF made by browns, who make made to measure bedroom and kitchen doors and so on. The finish is grey avola but they do loads
Very interesting, some good ideas to try and overhaul my tiny bedroom (same measurements as your room). A good excuse to get rid of the stuff other people have dumped in here despite it being the smallest room in the house too! Probably only 7ft by 7ft though.

Considering getting a high bed or ottoman so I can get loads of storage underneath.

Food for thought, thanks a lot!
Quick pic of the TV bit with the main lights off and a the rope light behind the mini floating wall on:


The 'leaky' bits around the bottom of the board the TV is on are pretty much fixed now since that picture. We were going to have the top of the unit completely fixed with a lift out panel, but decided to just have the whole top panel removable, which is fine, only it's not 'sealed' to the bottom of the floating wall so there's a bit of light leakage, so I have put some double sided tape on the back of the board hanging down, so the worktop fits flush against it. It's 99% gone, next time the top is off I will fix it
entirely :)
Great results! Thanks for the post.

Where did you get the red paint from? Do you know what it's called?

INB4 someone says "red paint".
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