
Can't play competitive, far too much abuse.

Never had any of this when I used to play C:SS, if you lost then you lost. Not a huge bully/blame game. It's awful. Hope it gets better.
Waiting for my Rx 480 to arrive so I can really get stuck in to overwatch. Great fun so far, possibly a bit frantic to become a real eSports title?
Not sure if it will get really big. While it's not the same style of gameplay, it's still got some stiff competition from other team shooters like CS:GO.
Did they not fix the penalty if someone leaves ....


:( was a long game all for not very much in the end. :(
Can't play competitive, far too much abuse.

Never had any of this when I used to play C:SS, if you lost then you lost. Not a huge bully/blame game. It's awful. Hope it gets better.

Literally never had any abuse in my 63 comp games.

Hit 59 just now, half way to 60. :D

Still going strong with my gold medals per game stat. 111 gold medals in 63 comp games.
Did they not fix the penalty if someone leaves ....


:( was a long game all for not very much in the end. :(

Weird. I had a leaver a couple of games ago but still got a normal rank increase. Maybe they have fixed it and your game just didn't net much rank? It's possible your team MMR was a lot higher than your enemy's.
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It's possible your team MMR was a lot higher than your enemy's.

Obviously doesn't apply to losses. At least half of my placement games were quite evenly matched with close wins. Since then I've only had a single close game. Its all been utter stomps with my team being completely incompetent near enough every time.
I wouldn't mind if I was simply playing badly or we lost a close game but almost 90% of my matches being pathetic losses is just a joke. Gone down 6 ranks since and my only win got me almost nothing.
What were you placed and what are you now?

My friend placed 62 which is crazy high, so he lost a lot initially which put him closer to where he belonged. He stabilized around 52 and is now climbing up slowly. Maybe similar thing happened to you? It's possible you had a crazy good quick play MMR which inflated your ranked MMR after placements.
personally been finding competitive much better recently, team working together etc but think that's because i pulled myself out of the cesspit that is the low 50's. initially i was 59 but with the KotH and leaver bug(plus i guess the MM struggling to figure peoples ranks)dropped all the way to 51 but been playing some more this week and got back to 59 now.

Think it really is the average player that's more toxic, good players understand team work and that not everyone is playing their strongest hero but the kinda meh players just blame a loss on everyone else. No one ever blames a lucio though XD don't think I've ever seen some1 trash talk one yet. Well other than this really dumb one who refused to heal and just went full speed mode but he earned it.
back to 60+ cancer bracket... been solo qing after i finish work at 2:30am for a few hours on US servers..

deranked from 59-50 in 2 nights hahaahah! some US players are so bad for there ranks double picking widow bjorn etc

been playing again at normal times in europe servers and soloed qued back to 60 again.. cant wait for double tracer double winston comps on KOTH now! :(
Trying to enjoy this game, but just don't seem to at the minute. Can't really put my finger on why I don't like it, but there's just... something.

I'm only lvl7 so still getting used to things and I'm not very good yet, but I've been bad at games before and still enjoyed them.
back to 60+ cancer bracket... been solo qing after i finish work at 2:30am for a few hours on US servers..

deranked from 59-50 in 2 nights hahaahah! some US players are so bad for there ranks double picking widow bjorn etc

been playing again at normal times in europe servers and soloed qued back to 60 again.. cant wait for double tracer double winston comps on KOTH now! :(

60+ really isn't that bad.
Well I apparently suck compared to all of you - placed at 49 a few weeks ago, been down almost as low as 40 and now clawed my way back up and just passed 50 :D It may not be that good but it feels like an achievement
play a few tonight na its not to bad solo queing but the moment u sign with 3-4 people and then play vs premades team comps turn into proper cheese!

All comps have counters though if you know how. There is the classic 2 tanks, 2 lucios, 2 tracers but it's beatable and it won't be an issue much longer. The biggest cheese strat at the moment is double Zarya, but double reaper deals with it nicely.
How is the initial ranking decided? So far I've played 4 of the ten games and won all of them, do medals earned etc. count towards it?
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