
14 Apr 2006
Abusive chat/flaming.....torb/basiton on attack etc - it's just gone mental

Bastion on attack can be very effective - often I will play him and easily get 3 golds (some are a given based on his dmg output) and a good kill death ratio. People just need to be able to play him effectively - not stay in one place all the time.

He's very good at clearing a choke point if you have a rein and he can decimate an enemy team when sat on a payload.

This whole "meta" thing becomes a bit of a joke some times... When you are literally at the cutting edge of winning/losing at stupidly high ranks then yeah go for meta, but lower down, the ability to play an fps (aim), read a situation, and change hero, is way more important than the "meta". A large bit of the meta is ults, and I've yet to have a competent team string together a couple of ults (I'm around rank 2000)

Edit: To clarify, sometimes I don't think hero picks are the problem - but the reluctance of some people to change character when they just keep dying time after time
5 Nov 2014
Totally agree - up to about 3k I don't really think picks matter - as long as you have a rounded team comp and you can play a character from each role effectively then go for it. I've played rounds where a competent bastion has absolutely decimated it, just because you're not prepared for it and by the time you counter it they already have momentum.

Bastion on attack is fine to clear chokes, as you said, I quite like dropping him on hanamura attack just to force everyone to move out of the gate.

A thing I've noticed from watching good players is they spend hardly any time messing around, a lot of situations around my level revolve around just standing behind a reinhardt shield the other side of a choke point and spamming until either shield drops with a flanker rushing in (and inevitably dying). Watching decent players (3.5k +) they just initiate on every spawn timer; they collect at the choke, move in together and either die together or cap the point - much less faffing about. The problem arises when half of your team tries to emulate this and the other half doesn't get the message... :D
14 Mar 2011
Edit: To clarify, sometimes I don't think hero picks are the problem - but the reluctance of some people to change character when they just keep dying time after time

It's true - it applies to counters as well... If I go Pharah and then it turns out the other team has a Mcree or a Soldier or a Widow that doesn't necessarily mean I should instantly change or get a load of toxic attitude from the team... It could well turn out that despite them having a good counter-pick, the player in control of that hero isn't skilled enough to keep me at bay (especially when I'll be focusing them first when I can)... My own rule of thumb is once I've died between 5-10 times in a match (as Pharah) that probably suggests I'm being countered + outplayed, so should switch and try something else...

And the converse of that I always see is where the team has a hero that is a good counter-pick to someone on the other team, but due to a skill gap with that player they're still struggling to keep them down... The go-to solution seems to be for everyone to start being toxic to that player, when really the solution might be to try and shuffle the team to take a 2nd counter... But people are just so quick to blame each other instead...

(For instance the other night I had a game as Pharah again, and our other dps was a Mcree... They had Junkrat + Pharah w/ Mercy as their dps, so on paper we had a stronger setup... BUT in practice although I was handling Junkrat and most of the rest of their team okay, our Mcree couldn't seem to land his shots on Pharah/Mercy. I did my best to help out but air-shots are quite hard to land, and before long Mcree was screaming at me in chat saying I "wasn't doing my job" because I was supposed to be hitting Mercy. We lost narrowly and this guy wouldn't let it go, flaming me until the very end despite me having a pretty healthy score - less than 5 deaths, high amount of elims, good accuracy. I'm not sure what the answer was there though, maybe he should have switched to soldier if he wasn't good enough to hit shots as Mcree? Maybe I should have doubled up on soldier with him to handle Pharah/Mercy? It's rarely black and white )...
15 Sep 2006
I figured out a way to stream without any performance loss whatsoever, not even that tiny microstutter you usually get with streaming. I could stream some ranked games if anyone is interested? I'm assuming not though. :D
5 Nov 2014
I'd definitely be interested, or a VOD saying what you're doing and why it's a good/bad idea? I've asked a mate who's 3.7k MMR to call me out when I do stupid stuff in quick play, but always interested to watch better people and learn!
1 Mar 2014
Damn I'm getting good at this game :cool:

Switched from Dva/Junk/Symmetra main to Soldier/Rein/Symmetra and are carrying like a pro. I've also put in countless hours, so I guess that's the reason my skill level has increased.

The only "problem" I have so to say, is fighting good Zarya's. If they also have a good Mercy I insta-switch to Junkrat which seems to do the job pretty well.
21 Jun 2011
What's your technique that makes Junkrat a counter to Zarya/Mercy? And what SR are we talking here?

I can't see how it'd be better than soldier or maybe Mcree, but am willing to learn.
29 Nov 2015
What's your technique that makes Junkrat a counter to Zarya/Mercy? And what SR are we talking here?

I can't see how it'd be better than soldier or maybe Mcree, but am willing to learn.
Junkrat against a Zarya is odd as he is the worst offender for feeding her shields - Speaking from a 3500+ rating. :eek:
1 Mar 2014
What's your technique that makes Junkrat a counter to Zarya/Mercy? And what SR are we talking here?

I can't see how it'd be better than soldier or maybe Mcree, but am willing to learn.

Season 3 start ~600ish (I was **** in Season 2 :D) currently at ~1100SR.

There was a specific game where there was a good combo team of Zarya/Mercy/Rein/Mei/Reaper/Tracer on Hollywood at the first "gate" after objective 1 .. Their Mei was pretty good and hard to pick off being Soldier on that point due to Rein stepping in. Rein would cover Zarya/Mei and Mercy would heal/resurrect Rein while Reaper and Tracer would take down the team from the back. Basically we were just feeding their ults, so I had to kill off Mercy first, trap Zarya kill Rein with my bomb / spamming grenades. Similar situation with roughly the same opposing team composition.

I see most of you play 2000SR+ where players group together and stay on point, which is way way different then lower SR games. I was having trouble playing with other heroes because sub 1000SR players are really really bad at Elims and basically if you don't carry with Elims there is no chance you can go up on SoloQ.

Also when I start seeing the noobs running after players and not staying on point I insta-switch to Rein and just let them do damage/get killed and I wipe out the enemies on the point with charge/hammer. Most of the time gold elim and damage in these situations.

In SoloQ and lower ranks you have to carry so I altered my game accordingly and have moved up very well the last 3 days.

Junkrat against a Zarya is odd as he is the worst offender for feeding her shields - Speaking from a 3500+ rating. :eek:

Higher SR players never play Junkrat (a good DPS is always better) but noobs going to noob at lower SR :D as they really don't have a clue of how to just take damage to feed their ult with Zarya then shield up. I have learned to take out whole teams with Junk and Soldier on these levels regular 40%-60% kill participation.
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29 Nov 2015
Higher SR players never play Junkrat (a good DPS is always better) but noobs going to noob at lower SR :D as they really don't have a clue of how to just take damage to feed their ult with Zarya then shield up. I have learned to take out whole teams with Junk and Soldier on these levels regular 40%-60% kill participation.
Not quite true. Junkrat is still a good hero just in different scenarios.

Sounds like you've found a working tactic against your playerbase. If it works ignore us higher ranked players as our experience is completely different to yours as you say. Just as much as mine is compared to the 2000 SR peeps I imagine.

Congrats on the progression up! :)
1 Mar 2014
Not quite true. Junkrat is still a good hero just in different scenarios.

Sounds like you've found a working tactic against your playerbase. If it works ignore us higher ranked players as our experience is completely different to yours as you say. Just as much as mine is compared to the 2000 SR peeps I imagine.

Congrats on the progression up! :)

Thanks. I rarely see Junkrat played on higher SR/Pro-player levels and checking leaderboards no-one mains him.

From my experience in specific tight maps like Eichenwalde attack if the opposing team has Rein/Bastion/Torb and Ilios (Well) he is very effective, on other maps I rarely if ever use him. I have standarized my picks on certain maps/situations at the currect levels and its been working out well.

Sometimes I play with a good Reaper/Dva main (random internet friend) when he is online. We steamroll even with troll players or leavers and/or vs higher SR teams because we have good K/D ratios and tons of elims, which is basically the achilles heel of lower level SR players.

When/if I move up my guess is Im going to be changing things up again, that's if I stale ofcourse with the current heroes/strategies I'm using.
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19 Jan 2006
up to 2350 now from 1800 at the start of the season. Career high is 2400.

Still loving Dva as my main. Certain capture the point maps I play Symmetra on defense but switch out if we lose the 1st point. Mercy and Junk are my main fall backs.

Playing well at the moment and enjoying the upward trend. However I know I'll be raging at someone tomorrow/the next day when I lose 5 in a row!!
21 Jun 2011
That sounds about right - Junk can be a really nice inclusion if you're carrying the damage in that way. I do like the ability to go over reinhardt's shield in particular. It can also take a long time for the enemy to notice you above them, and his mine can fling him up there easily.

At the level I'm at (~2300) junkrat tends to be an iffy but not awful pick - he'll either destroy the team or basically just be a wasted slot. People do complain that he 'feeds' Zarya, but if you have the aim to just kill her through the shield it makes no difference. The problem comes when you have one just spamming mindlessly, and you end up with a high-energy Zarya on the enemy team and no picks, then you just get ruined.

He also needs to be cautious of stuff like D-Va's matrix eating all his kill shots, meaning he never actually closes the deal.

I don't know if we could queue together (think we're too far apart?) but if you climb/I drop we could be in the same ballpark, so feel free to add me. Can always QP if nothing else!
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