
So, after a 9 month break I've found a little time to pop back on. I've noticed my FPS has tanked and I'm seeing dips in the low 60-70s in team fights. Previously I could cap and hold my 142 frame limiter. Added to that I'm seeing frequent crashes 'Rendering Device Missing' and the like.

I've lowered some settings too no avail. The only real change is an updated nVidia driver and (enforced) Windows 10 update. I've ensured Windows 10 Game DVR is off and Fullscreen optimisation is off for Overwatch Nay good. I've disabled any/all overlay software elements.

I'm on a 4.6GHz 4770k over clock and a 980Ti Classified at 1.5GHz under water. Heat isn't an issue.
Is there something I'm missing or has the game just been updated to be significantly more resource demanding as of late?

Check your render scale, sometimes after updates it's on 150% or something randomly.
Blizzard World feels like it is bigger that the other maps, and the games seem to go on for ages. Also, there seem to be more "corridors" either side of the main path, so everything gets more spread out if the team does not co-ordinate, and the last push inside the building is harder than others to complete. Generally a harder map for the attacking team compared to other escort maps, IMHO. It's not so bad when you learn the best character picks and map positioning.
I seem to only do okay on that map with pharah/s76/dva.

Not been on a team where once its worked in our favor always tend to get pushed back instantly when on attack
In attack I like Reaper on Blizzard World, at least for the first point, using teleport to get through the first choke (I also use this approach on first point of Anubis). Soldier is good for escorting the payload on Blizzard World. Right now, Dva is good in almost all circumstances.
Yeah, Bastion without a shield is easy to counter. However, god forbid you suggest someone else might go as a shield if you pick Bastion and actually have a team strategy... that doesn't always work though... despite the agreed plan, one time I was Bastion on Junkertown, and my Rein wandered away from the payload because he "got bored just being a shield"... we lost :(

I only have experience up to gold, and have found a serious lack of teamwork when it comes to selection... you will often have a DPS that insists someone else changes to a healer (but they certainly won't do it themselves), instant hate for a Widow pick (there are some good Widow players out there!), and no one supporting you as a tank when you pick tank to give the team cohesion.

That said, I still enjoy the game and have many fun matches... overall, the fun is greater than the frustration for me. My biggest advice is not to stress over SR, and don't tilt when you lose a comp match.
It's put me in silver and did few matches after that got to Sr 1799 or something I think, no idea if silver makes me a poor or average player but I hold my own and have had 20 plus kill streaks at times so don't think I'm terrible over all
It's put me in silver and did few matches after that got to Sr 1799 or something I think, no idea if silver makes me a poor or average player but I hold my own and have had 20 plus kill streaks at times so don't think I'm terrible over all

I lost all 10 of my placement matches and got thrown into Diamond (3050). Really shouldn't have been there and was clearly latching off my 3.3k rating the last season I played :x
Does the rank reset each season? Sorry for all questions even though owned game since launch Its my first time doing season

You have to do placement matches at the start of every season, but from experience you typically come out within 200SR of where you finished the previous season not matter how good or bad the placement matches go.
If the team loses, then you lose SR. How much SR you lose is linked to your performance; however, being second best on a poor team does not mean you played well in the greater scheme of things, which is how you are judged by the system.

Like I said before, try not to stress about SR.
dam its easy to drop pts, 2 losses and down to 1743 rank, or is that to do with my performance? i was 2nd in team in regards to match performance

Stu speaketh the truth! Don't worry about your SR, even if it drops to 500. Just play the game, and enjoy it. Focusing on SR just leads to madness.

What classes are you playing?
Are you using voice chat? If not, you should start using it. Good headphones and a mic are essential IMHO.
1. Comms (Use a mic to constantly call hp and locations, in warm up discuss characters picks on your team and what the enemy team plays and look to counter (push p)).
2. Positioning, don't get caught away from your team. If your a tank make space for your dps to do their job. Follow where your healers are at all times and protect them. Do your best to not die and ensure you encourage your team to group up.
3. Aim, honestly I have potato aim and in masters. Odds are your sensitivity is too high, this is most evident by playing mcree I find.
4. Warm up and practice on deathmatch.

Do all those and you'll be where I am before you know it! Junkrat is very situational, if you find you're net getting the frags in then switch it up.
3. Aim, honestly I have potato aim and in masters. Odds are your sensitivity is too high, this is most evident by playing mcree I find.

Out of interest, what characters to you mainly play to manage in Masters with poor aim? I main Soldier and have been questioning my ability on hitscan, though I have found I can be as high as 40% accuracy when I don't mess about shooting scenery as practise.
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