
Try to encourage others... after the first voice, there is often another 1 or 2 voices. Even one voice making good calls can make a big difference in giving shape to the team.
I plan on getting few games in tonight so give it ago then, trying to get my friend to hammer it so he can do comp matches, don't wanna go back to quick play now haha
Can't string a run of wins together at all atm, one few comp matches then lose following 5 it feels like even with comms :/


Above is my stats based on them any tips?

You're level 29? Am I seeing that right?

In that case you're still brand new to the game. There's nothing else you can do to improve except play the game for a few hundred hours. If you play dps characters make sure you're using a low sens.
Getting annoyed at it is the worst thing you can do! Just remember it's a computer game, and queue up again.

You won't really know what's going on until you're at least level 100 - enjoy the game and remind yourself you're still learning it.

PS - If a 5 game loss streak makes you want to throw your PC out of the window, just wait until you go on a 10-15 game losing streak. It does happen :D
Getting annoyed at it is the worst thing you can do! Just remember it's a computer game, and queue up again.

You won't really know what's going on until you're at least level 100 - enjoy the game and remind yourself you're still learning it.

PS - If a 5 game loss streak makes you want to throw your PC out of the window, just wait until you go on a 10-15 game losing streak. It does happen :D

haha its not that extreme, some of losses aint bothered me e.g. when its been 4-3 in the rounds, its more as you guys stated when no one talks/works together, also had 4 leavers (1 in last 4 matches) making it 6v5, I tend to change character based on how match is flowing but some people just stick to one even though its not working/helping team and then at end go well i was best i got x damage blocked or x kills etc
Unfortunately it appears that changing characters when on a losing team results in greater SR loss, which is why many stick it out. Blizzard haven't confirmed this, and it is certainly flawed, but this might explain what you are seeing.
horrible season - tanking SR with leavers and poor comms/teams etc - down to 2800 now after hoping to push towards 3500 this season.

Classic earlier - did 25k healing as Moira, silver elims and still lost as DPS sucked.
horrible season - tanking SR with leavers and poor comms/teams etc - down to 2800 now after hoping to push towards 3500 this season.

Classic earlier - did 25k healing as Moira, silver elims and still lost as DPS sucked.

Yeah I also had bad season dropped 500 sr

Hoping to start fresh with brigitte but they talking about keeping her back until next season.
I stopped playing this just as Doom fist was introduced.

Started to get back into it over the last few days but the guys I would comp with don't play any more. I was mid gold but struggling to get out of silver at the moment. Solo que is still as toxic as every and comp at silver rank is laughable.
Also what have they done to mercy!

Does any one use the ocuk discord for over watch? Popped in there a few times and it's always empty.
I'm on there, but I don't really use it much for finding groups. I normally just message Andy or a couple of non-OcUK people on my friends list if I fancy grouping up.

Worthy#2491 - add me if you fancy some games. I haven't played in about a fortnight though, I was getting Overwatched out.

What classes are you playing to be stuck in silver? I hear that a lot "the team comps suck" etc, but if both team comps suck, it gives you a good opportunity to carry depending on which class you're playing. Try getting good with one of the self-sustaining classes, or if you want to really wipe out a silver team, play Sym. :)
I have had a horrendous season, fell way down into bronze clawed my way back to gold had to learn dps roles as I mainly tank or support. reaper and junk got me back though!!

I go on the discord quite often but never bumped into anyone
I'm on there, but I don't really use it much for finding groups. I normally just message Andy or a couple of non-OcUK people on my friends list if I fancy grouping up.

Worthy#2491 - add me if you fancy some games. I haven't played in about a fortnight though, I was getting Overwatched out.

What classes are you playing to be stuck in silver? I hear that a lot "the team comps suck" etc, but if both team comps suck, it gives you a good opportunity to carry depending on which class you're playing. Try getting good with one of the self-sustaining classes, or if you want to really wipe out a silver team, play Sym. :)

Cheers worthy, I've sent a friend request.

Played with andy and booy a few times.

Don't get me wrong I deserve to be in silver at the moment as I suck! Seems having a few months off really screws with your game sense :)
Though loosing 10 games in succession can't all be my fault.

I mainly play DPS, solider, reaper, mcree. I like zen too. Been playing a bit of monkey recently which I've been enjoying which is good as tank hero's aren't my strong point.

Always up for a game if you're about.
Seems I'm already friends with you worthy, Don't think I've played with you though?
My tags "Hattori Hanzo"
Give me a shout when you're online next.
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