"It is a great game" is exactly what it's designed to make you think about it... it's perfectly designed, beyond reproach... if you think it's unbalanced, you're wrong and you just need to git gud... sounding enough like the OW community yet?
I am an absolute God at this game though... zooming around the map, barely dying, I'm getting quintuple kills and scoring team-wiping ults, or diving on their supports and picking them off over and over... untouchable, absolutely destroying the enemy team... In about 50% of my games... The other 50% I'm barely making it to the point, getting outplayed by an enemy support in a 1v1, barely able to hit anything, falling off the map, and just feel like I'm a decrepit old man who should give up gaming forever because clearly I can't cut it against the younger people in the game... (exaggeration ftw but you get my point hopefully!)
Now I used to react to the above in the way Blizzard are banking on - I was happy to take the terrible crushing defeats because of how exhilarating the crazy runaway wins were - sooner or later I'd be solo-ulting their whole team into the ground again and feeling totally unstoppable... the games I was losing were probably just smurfs/cheaters anyway... This game is so good, and I am so good at it!!! It becomes almost like chasing a high as a drug addict... But over time I've come to realise that really outside of pro-level play, nobody is good at the game, or rather even the idea of being good at this game makes no sense at all - there are too many things going on - it is impossible to balance it in anyway so really the majority of the games end up being hugely one-sided and come down to chance - what players did each team happen to get and what heroes can they play? Once you notice this pattern it suddenly takes the sheen off of those crazy games where you totally dominate the enemy team, because you now know that it has absolutely nothing to do with your skills at the game - great, you can beat up a kid with his arms tied behind his back, that feel good? With the wins no longer providing that gratifying rush that they used to all you're left with are the other games; where you've lost the game of chance and have a frustrating time where nothing you do makes a difference...
This is anecdotal and obviously only reflects my own experience, but I've been playing since launch fairly regularly and gone through multiple iterations of this... I've been pretty much the same rank the entire time, and although it would be good to climb, I'd settle for the majority of games being tense, close games that are fun to play in their own right... and like I said above I just don't find that the game is capable of delivering those - every once in a while you get a perfect storm where the selected players' hero pools and strategies happen to overlap in the 1 in a million way they have to for the game to not be so one-sided, and those games are genuinely fun... but they're so few and far between that it's not worth slogging through all of the other horribly unbalanced games
/rant - sorry! Got carried away