Loving the new patch so far. Played some really agro Rein and shatters were huge. Good to have fun again.
But surely the Bastion is easier to take down now as they can't protect him as well? As I said somewhere above, you don't really want to bother with shields into a Bastion anyway, even less so now.
But surely the Bastion is easier to take down now as they can't protect him as well? As I said somewhere above, you don't really want to bother with shields into a Bastion anyway, even less so now.
Game is actually fun again and I'm getting back all that SR I lost. Win win!
You got a lot of milage from that drop off! lol
Nice play!
Good work on getting to diamond @imginy.
I'm winning 75% of my games now patch has let me play tank way more effectively.
Yeah mate I loved it. There was another one I had off the bridge as well but only get 3 highlights.
I think people have forgotten about brig because she was fairly useless in double shield meta.
Edit: Forgot to mention Sigma got a nice looking Christmas Skin.
Also the death match while you wait is cool.