
Signed up ages ago for the beta. To me looks like it could be a good game, although probably best with friends and not pugging it.

Hopefully will get a beta key soon but will have to see.
Got added to a list and have Blizzard emailing ^^ I'm going to make youtube videos and upload highlights from stream

Kind of defeats the object when they said it would be randomly generated beta keys. I won't be watching on principal or anyone elses stream for that matter, I want to play the game not watch someone else play it.
Had my email last night, but it didn't show on my account until the morning so had a cheeky morning stream.

I had a lot of fun with the game, it feels fluid and raw aiming with the mouse which is nice. Not clunky and pretty quick to pick up. Just takes time going through the heroes and learning all the abilities. So far only done 3 heroes.

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