
Yeah is turning into payload but not on rails.

Always enjoyed being Engi back at base defending for CTF but with 6 v 6 and the map size not sure if it will work in practice.

Would anyone like just regular deathmatch rather than team deathmatch?

Always enjoyed that in the old Unreal Tournament games, would just be chaos I know and a number of the characters might be a bit useless but could be a fun alternative mode.
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That site is telling me it's €59.99.

Is there another place to buy it for around £30 as the cheapest I can find is £37

Make sure you're going to the Overwatch category on the store, not just clicking on Overwatch on the main page, or on the banner, they both take you to the Origin Edition version which is more expensive.

If you go to the Overwatch category there should be 2 versions, one of which is £30 or whatever it is in Euros.


You should be able to change the link above to us.battle.net instead of eu.battle.net to buy it for $40 instead of £30 or €40.

As far as stuff like capture the flag goes, I think it's a bad idea purely because everyone that says they want it has to come up with a bunch of rules that just take away from what's actually good/different about Overwatch. People should try and come up with modes that actually work with the characters and their abilities, not remove characters/abilities until it fits around a game mode.
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Anyone played Greed mode in UT3? That was kind of interesting...

When a player dies they drop a little collectible orb (well it was a skull in UT), and you can see how many orbs you are currently carrying... you also drop these when you die, and the orbs sort of group together on the ground (so 5 orbs turns into one slightly bigger orb, 10 even bigger etc)...

Somewhere in or around each team's spawn is a "goal" or chalice type thing and you score by reaching that goal with some orbs in your posession at which point they are deposited into the goal and increment your team's score (to be clear, you have to carry the orbs to your opponent's goal to score, not your own)... You could either play to a "first team to reach X score" or simply "highest score after X minutes"

It was quite a fun game mode, having to balance being aggressive with getting too, well - greedy, as the more orbs you were carrying the more you were risking by getting killed...

I reckon this mode would work with the characters as it has obvious roles for faster more aggressive characters and more tank-y or defensive types...

Edit: Recalling further I think the UT Greed mode had some other aspects to it as well, possibly you got a damage boost based on how many skulls you were holding? ... and there was some other mechanic involving turning into a giant "Titan" that was totally silly... but those don't have to be included necessarily
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Wow I want on one of the ranking things I saw in the console forum and I am in the top 20 players for winston

I am quite proud of that :P

Don't get me wrong I don't normally go in for all that stuff I hate people who play for their stats rather then the team but still its nice to have :) Considering I not really done any pre mades or anything
Make sure you're going to the Overwatch category on the store, not just clicking on Overwatch on the main page, or on the banner, they both take you to the Origin Edition version which is more expensive.

If you go to the Overwatch category there should be 2 versions, one of which is £30 or whatever it is in Euros.


You should be able to change the link above to us.battle.net instead of eu.battle.net to buy it for $40 instead of £30 or €40.

As far as stuff like capture the flag goes, I think it's a bad idea purely because everyone that says they want it has to come up with a bunch of rules that just take away from what's actually good/different about Overwatch. People should try and come up with modes that actually work with the characters and their abilities, not remove characters/abilities until it fits around a game mode.

Thanks for that - the sneaky ********!

Downloading now.
Yeah, when it was up for pre-order people would post about how the game was a rip-off with it being £45.

The pre-order button linked straight to the Origins version, and the store was the same as it currently is with Origins on the main page and Origins from clicking on the banner.
Quite enjoying the gameplay so far, Heroes are interesting and nicely varied.
The maps however are a different story. None are memorable, few are enjoyable. Definitely shows off that this is blizzards first go at an FPS.
Explains the few kill cams I've had when I've died and not even been on screen. Bit silly really.
Good to see D.Va is getting a buff, my favourite hero at the moment. Needs another ability or a buff to the projectile shield to actually make it useful.
Explains the few kill cams I've had when I've died and not even been on screen. Bit silly really.

that's also down to the terrible net coding - if you have a low ping you can be head shotted etc by someone with a high ping; the servers allow this.....its so damn annoying to die 3 seconds later when you're out of site of everyone because of net coding.....
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