I only ever vote for a healer that's on my team, when it isn't me, which most of the time it is, so I just don't bother voting in 90% of matches.
Why only vote for your team? What is the logic behind that?
I only ever vote for a healer that's on my team, when it isn't me, which most of the time it is, so I just don't bother voting in 90% of matches.
Why only vote for your team? What is the logic behind that?
It means that you healed 58% of the damage your entire team took.
Standing around giving people heals automatically isn't exactly the hardest thing though is it![]()
Standing around giving people heals automatically isn't exactly the hardest thing though is it![]()
Standing around giving people heals automatically isn't exactly the hardest thing though is it![]()
Yeah, which is pretty good, right?
yeah this. he's my most played hero and hate it when i see a team with lots of tracer, reaper, genji, pharah, widow etc. They all run off flanking dying because they dont go as a team and no one can heal them. much nicer when its a reinhardt, mei, soldier, mcree, zarya/roadhog kinda group. had a couple games when escorting on offense when i can get high 60 or low 70% healing with that kinda of comp. I just hover around at the back watching out for snipers loling.Lucio's heals need line of sight. In those matches full of wannabe solo heroes running off to every corner of the map (i.e. most matches) it can be very hard to keep people healed. So yeah 58% is a decent figure.
You're unlikely to find a [good] Lucio just "standing around" either.
58% Team heals as Lucio is quite good. I manage about that much every game. Don't forget to 'amp it up', just as the enemy team arrives so that your teams heal recovery rate is a bit quicker for a few seconds.
Lucio is just so good to play in almost any situation I find and I have been getting quite a few PoTG's with him lately so at least he is recognised. I just need to learn wall running a bit better...and yes - Lucio should always be running around and darting in and out of his teammates at all times.
cant say I really like his odds against any of the other characters solo consistently. symmetra at range i guess. it really depends on the situation, in the open, enclosed, who sees who first. some players you can totally outkill and beat sure but that's just them being bad. do love the environmental kills thoughAs a character I feel he is a bit broken. There are several people that he can just passively heal through the damage and take out which is just a bit wrong.