Pachelbel's Canon in D on electric guitar - absolutely amazing

16 Oct 2003
Just take a look at this:

It's a guy playing Pachelbel's Canon in D on electric guitar, and is just awesome.
Pretty much everyone must know the original song, it's Pachelbel's most famous classical composition. And if you haven't, you must surely have heard some of the music listed in this wiki page (under "Musical adaptations" half-way down), which are all influenced by the same chord progressions used in this song. A good example of how much of modern music hails back to classical roots. Listen to the part just after 2:00 into the video and it's sooooo Greenday - Basketcase :)
That version isn't as good as the other guy, even though this is the original guitar version.

In the version i'm talking about, the guy had a gold-bodied ESP guitar.
I'll try and dig out the link

[EDIT:]Here it is.
Much better than the JerryC version imo
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All his videos:, also a lot of other people covering canon.

Smiley Man said:
great :D

anyone got an mp3 of it?

I have, just taken from the video, so only that quality (ie not great) if you want.

I'm curently learning it, after the last time it was posted. Shame i've only managed to get the first minute and a half done though :(

Gotta agree it is incredible, just look at the amount of other people who've covered it!
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Evil-Penguin said:
Actualy, it's funtwo, not Jerry C :D

Yeah, you're right.

I emailed Jerry C and asked him at the time if he had done the backing tracks and he confirmed it so this is a cover version and all the posts on the site confirm it.
dmpoole said:
Yeah, you're right.

I emailed Jerry C and asked him at the time if he had done the backing tracks and he confirmed it so this is a cover version and all the posts on the site confirm it.

Yeah I've got the backing track on my pc, it used to be on his site, pretty decent for him to redistribute it, along with tabs too :D
I can play most of it up to about 2.10 mins.

Havent really had time to do more yet, but the hardest bit (bit i couldnt do) I found was the mini 'shred' halfway through that. Cant do it for the life of me. :(
Most Boring Song Ever

And pretty damn easy to play really. Minus the sweep picking (which always looks much more impressive than it is) its all slow, repatativy and rubbish.
It's not sacrilege. The piece has already been absolutely destroyed about 5,000 times before, and it's not a particularly exciting one in the first place.
Locrian said:
Most Boring Song Ever

And pretty damn easy to play really. Minus the sweep picking (which always looks much more impressive than it is) its all slow, repatativy and rubbish.
Ok then, play it :)
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