dmpoole said:
I've been playing professionally/semi professionally for 35 years and I would never make such claims because I know better and I know when somebody is better.
We've even had people on here slagging the playing of Satriani/Vai in the past.
Um...I'd like to offer my opinion on this, sort of an extension of what Andelusion said. Not only is music not a competition, it's entirely relative. Hypothetically, I can **** off the playing of whoever I like, whether I can play better or not, that's the benefit of free speech. I can also say I'm better that any given person, assuming that I believe I am, but that's also entirely subjective. If I didn't like what this other person was playing it, or didn't like their technique, I could say I was better, but on the other hand, this hypothetical person would probably say the same back to me. If some guy wants to **** off Satriani/Vai, then that's his don't have to be 'better' to be a critic, and as I said, who can judge who's 'better'? You can't, no one can.
In my naive, imperfect opinion, there's no such thing as good or bad music, or a good or a bad sound. There are sounds suitable for what you want them for, and there are soundes less suitable, but that doesn't make them bad imo. Same for music, there is no bad music, just music that some people like and others don't. Of course, every now and then you get something that just plain *isn't* music, and that's exempt from this rant.
That probably makes no sense, but it's the product of the mind of a frustrated teenager who's fed up hearing from his friends that they're better...not in my opinion. But that's all it is, an opinion. Music isn't a science, it's a passion, and all the better for it.
If anyone read that all, then I commend you on your persistence, you must be bored.
I'm just ranting randomly, not aiming that at anyone specifically, just felt like I needed to get that off my chest.