I have been shot, stabbed, wiped out on a motorbike and caught the gas cap in the crotch, been knocked out cold more times than I care to think about in more ways than most people can imagine, wiped out on the velodrome and got wood splinter road rash (they stopped counting at 450 splinters bigger than a pin), fell into a 2 cubic meter hornet's nest (they stopped counting at 250 stingers in total amazement that I was still alive with all the poison in my system), been kicked in the nuts hard enough to lift me clear of the ground.
Saying all that, I would rather go through it all again than have another abcess (sp?) toothache. Nothing else completely stops all brain activity in its tracks. Nothing else makes me smash my head against the nearest solid object in the vain hope that I can possibly feel SOMETHING other than the sharp edge of a tooth cutting into the cartlidge in the gumline.
My migraine headaches come close, as they get bad enough I lose color sight, my hearing goes all tinny, and every nerve in my body feels like it's open to the air and someone's pouring iodine on them. But they STILL aren't as bad as a full-on toothache.
I'm not talking about when you have a cavity, I'm talking about when a tooth actually cracks in two and exposes and crushes the nerve between two jagged edges.......