Paint a film scene

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Xtremepenguin said:

strange days???
I find it funny that all these people claim to have made these scenes in paint. When its so obvious that they havnt been. :p
True_Scotsman said:
middle = HELLBOY

Yes it is indeed the elder gods of the outer darkness approaching the portal Hellboy has created.

What took you so long :p

extra clues:

Top one: Ferrets
Bottom one:This is the end
BoomAM said:
I find it funny that all these people claim to have made these scenes in paint. When its so obvious that they havnt been. :p

All mine are done in paint :)

Xtremepenguin: Minority report??
BoomAM said:
I find it funny that all these people claim to have made these scenes in paint. When its so obvious that they havnt been. :p

Which ones do you think aren't done in paint? (apart from the obvious)
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