Xtremepenguin said:damn you!!! that took AGES!!!
Worth pointing out here that there are a few good artists here. I could never do half these whether it be free hand or using MS paint
Xtremepenguin said:damn you!!! that took AGES!!!
saitrix said:Here's mine
Greedo said:
Heres another sorry my paint skills really are bad!
Shock said:
Starship Troopers?Shock said:
Yes Tremors! [Edit: It is not nice to insult the artwork of others ]Mohinder said:Shock.. Tremors? Or Dune?
Greedo said:Oh come on guys paper animal, harrison ford....
Gilly said:LOL, shock's makes me feel better about my contributions
MarkLP said:Here's a quick go
True_Scotsman said:Black Hawk Down
Jimmeh said:Black Hawk Down?
loopstah said:Yet another:
Kingpin?Tru said: