Paiting Plastic (Fans)

13 Jan 2004
Hi Project loggers, looking for some advice on painting plastic.

Have primed some Corsair SP/AF120 fan rings with Rust-Oleum Plastic primer (white). Primer stuck fantastically. One coat and and pretty much the previously red rings were pure white.

Then put on my orange plastic paint coat. Also Rust-Oleum. Does not stick anywhere near as well as the primer did to the plastic. The orange paint is dwelling and running off the sharper edges, exposing the white primer beneath.

Expected to have problems getting the primer to stick to the plastic, not the finish coat to stick to the primer. Any tips?

Edit - Whilst the best target audience is probably here in Project logs it's not really in keeping with the rules. Perhaps a mod could move to General Hardware?
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Did my recent florescent orange rings to match the Gigabyte OC board i m project log. The paint needed a few coats, as i used acrylic model paint and ignored the use of primer.

Try to get away with using as few coats as possible, as the fan rings cut it very close and the ring i went over with paint a lot more (only because i was bored and the can was next to my desk) that ring would skim the fan once mounted and needed a tiny bit of sanding on the inside to get it to work without touching the blade.

Paint was Humbrol Florescent orange paint for acrylic.
Noted on using as little paint as possible. Got plenty of spare rings so can experiment.

Turns out I am using Neon Orange for a Gigabyte OC board also :D
When i did my corsair fan rings I messed up with my 1st set even thought i applied a thin coat at a time they were useless! Second around i did a thin layer of primer then a couple of thin layers of paint then a single layer of laquer finish and they came out great. Paint I used was plasticolour.
I think they need another sub forum on a whole range of build / paint / engraving / sleeving / fabrication / wiring hints and tips. Some great guides but they are all in different forums sections.

Project logs is where a lot of the scratch stuff and more serious modifications happen anyway, so seems like a logical choice for you to have posed your question here, even if its not strictly a project.
I second colinmcr's motion

me too actually... a Modding zone would be nice :D

il pop this to a admin now :D

Its seems like a logical step right guys? Surprised its not already here tbh. Overclockers seems to have done a great job of encouraging some seriously talented modders to their forums which in my opinion is win win for them, sales and raising their profile worldwide.
There are case compo winners using these forums and a Modding Zone would be great to compliment the Project Logs.

Trying to find out about how to wire a connector, or solder LED's tends to lead you away from this site at times.
When I posted this I thought the same colinmcr. A subsection would be great. I love a good tweak and nothing beats building/modding something yourself. I think many more people would try if there were some solid guides by some of the talented people. Not just the talent freaks (:p) but also people who are not afraid to give something a try and post their findings!

Paint is on the back burner for the moment, just finished a hardware refresh. The trial run I did was not so great. primer went on good but the orange coat has left primer showing, does not like to stick. Also found spraying on card let paint dwell at the bottom and stick in clumps, not very tidy.

Think I need to get a proper rig set up to hang the parts for spraying and perhaps look at some slight sandpaper abrasion on the primer. Need to perhaps look at spraying from a greater distance to get a finer more even coat.
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My "proper" rig for painting my rings was a piece of long dowel resting between 2 small kids pink plastic chairs ! The things you don't see in most build logs lol !

I'm no expert on painting but using a bit of wet/dry to rub down the surface sounds worth a try. I only used the white rings for mine so I didn't use primer. I also used automotive paint from Ford, Solar Gold and it worked nicely on my fan rings.
One of the biggest problems is colour matching, you just never know what its gonna look like until you try it.
I recently started new project and was painting fans, however I skipped the primer completely. I only used MTN spray and it worked great. Check the fans in my project. Unless you spent a lot of money on those SPs you may want to swap. Before you ask, I am using the slow fans as case intake/exhaust and going to buy stronger PWM for rads.

Oh and hint about color matching.
I'll post MTNs color tables when I get home - that's how I found perfect color for my case as well.
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