Pants. And the lack of.

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Gilly said:
Even in the face of total adversity you're sticking to your (incorrect) guns.



oh yeah baby :D

Von Smallhausen said:
To go Admiral means being chased by men in leather clothes hell bent on making me walk funny.

I meet some of those people in Amsterdam LOL
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But surely if Napoloeon was hung like a cold gnat, he would wear pants to hide the fact, perhaps stuffing a copy of Le Razzle or Une Readers Wives in his kex to pad things out.
Von Smallhausen said:
But surely if Napoloeon was hung like a cold gnat, he would wear pants to hide the fact, perhaps stuffing a copy of Le Razzle or Une Readers Wives in his kex to pad things out.

.. obviously speaking from experience Mr V...but it wasn't worth him wearing any pants.. there wasn't any point. It was only his consealed hand that held everything in the altogther..
Von Smallhausen said:
Nah !

I use the Argos catalogue. ;)
Not Yellow pages.. let your fingers and all that :p

this all come about because i accidently put my sons pants on one day to work which were a little tight side.. being a big boy and that (me not my son) anyway they had to be removed hance going Admiral :D
Mr Huddy said:
Not Yellow pages.. let your fingers and all that :p

this all come about because i accidently put my sons pants on one day to work which were a little tight side.. being a big boy and that (me not my son) anyway they had to be removed hance going Commando :D

Fixed ;)
Mr Huddy said:
this all come about because i accidently put my sons pants on one day to work which were a little tight side.. being a big boy and that (me not my son) anyway they had to be removed hance going Commando :D
Dude, c'mon, get it right!

If you're going to argue this we need some evidence.
Borris said:
As I read this thread, I'm picturing you all naked anyway.

Steady on 'ole chap - I'm British!!

LOL at Admiral Huddy - Cheers BB :p

it was Admiral Lord Nelson who had his hand keeping this in order. The missing arm is just a conspiracy..


see.. no VPL either - he is Admiral!!
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heheheheheehe this is a totally awsome thread

Millhouse - Simpsons said:
or the Dreaded Rear Admiral

i have no idea what a real admiral is, and as im at work im not putting it into google, but the original answer was its definitely commando.

now please ladies continue with the smut ;)
Admiral Huddy said:
this all come about because i accidently put my sons pants on one day to work which were a little tight side.. being a big boy and that (me not my son) anyway they had to be removed hance going Admiral :D

WHOOOOOOAAAH!!!!! Hold your horses fella! Dont think you're slipping that little gem in without giving ALL the details!

Let me help you along....

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