Paranoid about parking, anyone else?

Jonny69 said:
Normally worry about the pop of a weekend. With all the drunk louts out it's probably just time until I go down to find it kicked in or someone tried to boot one of the lights off. Got it insured to the hilt but it's the principle more than anything :(

If I had an old/unique/rare car it might be another matter. With the Audi, firstly I'll never actually own it (it's financed) and secondly I've got no emotional attachment anyway - I can go out and buy another identical A6 but I guess you can't go out and buy another 1950s Ford Popular as easily.
Mines a 20 year old car with 20 years worth of scrapes and dings so there's no point worrying about it picking up one or two more.

In 6-8 weeks time it'll be a different story and I'll probably be absolutely paranoid about taking it anywhere.
I am guilty of this, g/f goes metal with my anal parking of leaving it miles from anyone!

Try parking in France already got a scrap down one side of the Clio I have rented and two dents I have accumulated in two weeks of driving it.
drive an old car so not hugely fussed, unless its tesco as thats usually big dent rather than small mark damage from other cars
Yea i drive my girlfriend mad parking miles away from anyone else (especially tescos). I have this thing where I out and out refuse to park near anything that looks like its likely to contain lots of kids..not like general 4 door cars but parking near 4x4's or people carriers = big no no!

I used to be a lot worse for worrying about my car getting vandalised when i had a fairly modified celica, but now with an mg zr nobodies likely to bother as they're so common :D however ..council estate = big no no!
I've got this problem real bad!!
I have owned a GTI 1.8T since 1998 and still worry about where to park it. I always go round a car park looking for what my family call a "Golf parking space" I know all of the local carparks with wide spaces or spaces where you cannot be bashed by other car doors!!
I also own a 2007 Audi S3, it has not been parked yet!!
Any really dodgy places are catered for by taking our 3rd car, a 19 year old Nova.
My brother in law always parks across 2 spaces to give himself lots of room.

Doesn't really worry me but I still park in no mans land at the far end of car parks.

This back fired the other day when an old couple (at least 120 years old :p ) pulled up right next to my car at a wonky angle in a really old sheddy camper van. There was literally no other cars around and hundreds of empty spaces :rolleyes:

I'd only just parked up so I ran back to my car and shifted it forward a row :o Glad I did because the doddery old girl opened the door and swung it right out to its full extent. If she had done that with my car there I'd have had a beauty of a dent :mad:

Also parking a bit out of the way (but still in line with the entrance) in Tesco was probably a contributory factor to my car getting broken into :(
Yup same here bud, got a modified motor and im dead paranoid about leaving it anywhere other than a decent car park.
Yup I do, because far as I can make out, 98% of people on the road dont give a damn about the condition of their own car let alone someone elses. I put far to much money and time in to mine to let someone ding or scrape it!

Pretty paranoid :p
I try to park in the widest space available, i.e. one that doesn't have someone parked on either side, right up to the line on "my side".

Tesco's car parks are the worst for stingy narrow parking spaces. You're lucky to get 10-15cm either side, which leaves about a maximum of 1' between cars.

I've parked about 15 miles* from the entrance to Tesco before, all the way across the massive car park, all on my own. And people have STILL insisted on parking next to my car, even though there's at least 20 spaces either side of it :confused:

I'll park further from where I actually want to be if there's a better space, and walk 10 mins, instead of parking right outside wherever it is and risk some tossface damaging my car with theirs.

Of course, it could still happen, but meh.
I put my car anywere and everywere, its a 12yr old fiesta, any bumps or scratches will be an improvment on its current body condition! :o
I'll take care when parking, i.e. as far as possible from everyone else in a supermarket carpark. I don't worry about it once it's there though, or when I leave it in town etc. I park away from others as I'm fed up with dings from idjits who can't open their doors properly. Beyoned that though, it's a car, it's their to be used. If I did have a classic car for occascional use only I would be overly protective, but then it wouldn't get used as much in the first place...
hell yes, but the funny thing is 2 weeks ago i left it outside my house all day during the week for the first time. And when i came home there was a huge dent and paint removed down to the metal. So i realised if its going to get damaged it going to get damaged and there is nothing you can do.

The management company were cutting the grass and did not remove the large stones so left my car damaged and covered in stones and grass.

€630 to repair the one chip and dent as the EOrange on the ST is a bitch to match so the whole side needs respraying.

Currently letting a solicitor do the leg work as they are not responding to me.
Adz said:
If I had an old/unique/rare car it might be another matter. With the Audi, firstly I'll never actually own it (it's financed) and secondly I've got no emotional attachment anyway - I can go out and buy another identical A6 but I guess you can't go out and buy another 1950s Ford Popular as easily.
You put it better than I did. Pretty much sums it up, if the window gets smashed out it's a major hassle finding another one in the classifieds, forums and eBay.

Rojin said:
If I did have a classic car for occascional use only I would be overly protective, but then it wouldn't get used as much in the first place...
This is why I'm not re-painting my current one. The barn-find fresh bodywork has appeal of its own but the bonus is another ding or scuff isn't going to show so I don't have to worry about it. My mate's fibreglass bonnet blew off and hit the side of mine and he was like OMG trying to put money in my hand to get the paint fixed up but I gave it a rub with my sleeve and you couldn't see it :D
thepharcyde said:
Try parking in France already got a scrap down one side of the Clio I have rented and two dents I have accumulated in two weeks of driving it.

From the time I lived in France, if a car doesn't have a scratch on it, it's got no right to be driving around in France.

We had a dent in our new Fiat Multipla about 10 minutes after parking it at home! :p
Yep, even outside our own house we are not safe from knobhead parkers.
Baring in mind that our neighbourhood is certainly not a council type area and most the cars are a lot newer than ours by a long margain.
So far we had, and these are all outside our own front door by neighbours:
Puma - someone scratched it while reversing out of their space on the rear bumper. We spotted it from the front room after it happened. Went out and checked it and thought "ah well". Came out the following morning and someone had tried to remove the scratch with polish which was not wiped off properly LOL.
Cordoba - sat inside the car changing the stereo for the girlfriend. Ignorant neighbour pulls up next to it and just props her car door on it while she gets out the car. Jumps out of her skin when I bang on the window.
Integra - neighbours kid jumps off kerb and into the side of the car while I am sat inside it. Numpty
Integra - car door been rested on it while they got out of their car (typical vertical scratch on the drivers door)
S4 - neighbour with their knackered old Beemer props door open against my car. I shout at the window telling them my vehicle is not some expensive f'ing door stop. They haven't talked to us since.
I wasn't....until today when I come back to my car, mirror glass hanging down and a nice crack in the plastic casing of the wing mirror.

Luckily the mirror popped back in place with the motor still working fine, need to buy a replacement case though grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
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