Paris Champs Elysees - Car hits police van and bursts into flames

17 Aug 2009
The world has gone mad, all people seem to want to do is kill each other.

Only needs a large dose of hyperbole to go from a handful of attention seeking killings in first world countries where people are used to comfort and safety to declare the sky is falling.

Brutal attention seeking murder? It's a monday morning in Brazil.
18 Oct 2012
Only needs a large dose of hyperbole to go from a handful of attention seeking killings in first world countries where people are used to comfort and safety to declare the sky is falling.

Brutal attention seeking murder? It's a monday morning in Brazil.

memory is a terrible thing, are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes?

sure this is a horrific incident, but in the long term it's nothing compared to what paris has suffered in the past.
20 Mar 2006
My wife has just called me from Paris to say she is ok, she is there all week leading a school trip. Friday when she gets home can't come soon enough.

Last year when she was there she witnessed a running battle between riot police and migrants. Also migrants tried to get into the luggage compartment of the bus! She has done this trip for years but thinks this might be the last year they go. A mix of parents pulling children out and the things that have been witnessed are starting to taint the whole thing.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
My wife has just called me from Paris to say she is ok, she is there all week leading a school trip. Friday when she gets home can't come soon enough.

Last year when she was there she witnessed a running battle between riot police and migrants. Also migrants tried to get into the luggage compartment of the bus! She has done this trip for years but thinks this might be the last year they go. A mix of parents pulling children out and the things that have been witnessed are starting to taint the whole thing.
I can't believe people are still sending schoolkids to Paris on trips (or London for that matter). Mind you, Paris has always been awful - remember going there on a school trip in the late '80s and the locals stoning our bus, and indeed us when we were walking back from a restaurant.
29 Jan 2008
sounds like a massive fail by the attacker this time... killed himself too early in the initial accident/didn't get a chance to use his weapons, won't pass go and collect 72 virgins
24 Oct 2012
sounds like a massive fail by the attacker this time... killed himself too early in the initial accident/didn't get a chance to use his weapons, won't pass go and collect 72 virgins

Quite. I mean, no disrespect to the victims of these atrocities but you have to question the mental capabilities of these individuals if they are in control of a 2 tonne self powered battering ram and fail so miserably at the one and only thing they've set out to do. Just like the mosque one this morning, all that potential and they just suck balls at it. Says a lot about them, doesn't it? Idiots, the lot of them.
29 Jul 2010
sounds like a massive fail by the attacker this time... killed himself too early in the initial accident/didn't get a chance to use his weapons, won't pass go and collect 72 virgins

Hah, I was just typing exactly the same thing and got sidelined by looking up the 72 virgins story....and came across this

In it is the answer to why there are no (or few) female terrorists...

In Islam, the concept of 72 virgins (houri) refers to an aspect of Jannah (Paradise). This concept is grounded in Qur'anic text which describe a sensual Paradise where believing men are rewarded by being wed[1] to virgins with "full grown", "swelling" or "pears-shaped" breasts.[2][3] Conversly, women will be provided with only one man, and they "will be satisfied with him".[4]


Also, these virgins are described as 27.5 meters tall and 3.2 meters wide! Woah....that's a bit big for my tastes....
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Why? Kids are far more at risk of being run over than killed by a jihadi
To reduce the risk of being run over, you teach kids the Green Cross Code. To reduce the risk of them being killed by a jihadi loser, you don't take them to Paris or London. Sad but when we have a government that won't fight back, what choice do we have?
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
To reduce the risk of being run over, you teach kids the Green Cross Code. To reduce the risk of them being killed by a jihadi loser, you don't take them to Paris or London. Sad but when we have a government that won't fight back, what choice do we have?

What utter stupid rubbish coming from you as usual, thousands of kids go to Paris and London without any incident.

Or are you somehow living in a warped alternate universe where kids are being attackrd every single day in both cities??

Geezus go out and get some air, remove that tin foil from your head. It seems to be frying what is left of your brain.
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