Parking issues!

Then add to all this drama the drive for everyone to have an electric car in the near future.

It'll look like a detectives investigation board with all the charging cables going this way an that, crisscrossing the pavement :D.

They really thought that one through.
Then add to all this drama the drive for everyone to have an electric car in the near future.

It'll look like a detectives investigation board with all the charging cables going this way an that, crisscrossing the pavement :D.

They really thought that one through.
And add to that, the different/poor earthing of all those self/cowboy installed charging points resulting in EVs parked next to each other having a significant voltage difference between them.
I'd expect a lot of councils to start doing what Portsmouth (and no doubt others) have been doing, installing roadside charge points along residential streets fed by lampposts, rather than pushing people into trailing cables back into their houses. Costs will be interesting for that long term though, if people decide it's cheaper at home and still want to hang a cable out the window.
This is part reason why I vowed never to live in a new build again. We bought a house with a garage and one designated car park space. Fine for us as we were a one car household. Next door, who had the same allocation, had 2 cars and a work van. I had to ask him to stop parking the van, which technically shouldn’t have been there, outside the front of our house as it blocked the windows, To be fair, he did. The next house down, again with the same allocation had 4 cars. Etc.

Then residents were complaining because disabled people and mums with prams couldn’t use the kerb ramps as people were parking across them. Parking right on the edges of the road etc.

It’s why we now have a gated drive way, and our front garden is about an acre and could fit circa 30 cars.

And don’t get me started on new builds and management companies for small communal areas. Legalised robbery.
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This is part reason why I vowed never to live in a new build again. We bought a house with a garage and one designated car park space. Fine for us as we were a one car household. Next door, who had the same allocation, had 2 cars and a work van. I had to ask him to stop parking the van, which technically shouldn’t have been there, outside the front of our house as it blocked the windows, To be fair, he did. The next house down, again with the same allocation had 4 cars. Etc.

Then residents were complaining because disabled people and mums with prams couldn’t use the kerb ramps as people were parking across them. Parking right on the edges of the road etc.

It’s why we now have a gated drive way, and our front garden is about an acre and could fit circa 30 cars.

And don’t get me started on new builds and management companies for small communal areas. Legalised robbery.

Same our modest 3 bed detached built in 1970 has room for 4 cars on the drive plus 1 in the garage. Now my daughter is learning to drive we have 3 cars on the drive and 1 in the garage. Plenty of parking for guests on the street as everyone has driveways big enough.
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Then add to all this drama the drive for everyone to have an electric car in the near future.

It'll look like a detectives investigation board with all the charging cables going this way an that, crisscrossing the pavement :D.

They really thought that one through.

I couldn't believe it yesterday when i went to a local garage that sold cars and they had a long reel extension cable coming out of the main door you need to walk in and going across their road/walkway to the other side where they park the cars forsale
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Permit would help surely?
At least make sure residents had an equal amount of spaces?

shoudl clear up the scholl runs too

Maybe, I don't see it on my street but the consultation is a wider area and maybe we're going to be forced into it if the wider area feels they're short on parking spots.
90% of the houses have parking for a good 3 cars, yet most people park on the road and don't use their driveway. And the reason is "so others don't park outside my house" feeble excuse.

So basically, I have room for three cars but I refuse to let anyone else park on the public highway in my proximity.
We had one house at the start of our street that was husband/wife, 2 daughters and a son. The kids all had their partners living at the house. Husband/wife had 2 cars and a work van, then 6 cars for kids and partners, and 3 works vans for partners/son. They had a 2 car drive and all wanted to park as close to the house as possible……..

Was pot luck trying to get out of the street without meeting an oncoming car past the 10 vehicles parked nose to tail on one side…..
My inlaws live in an estate that was built in 2012. Every house regardless of the number of bedrooms only have 1 car park space and to make matters even worse the block of flats within the same area only have a couple of designated spots for the them. Its one of the key reasons i refuse to look at brand new properties when i was moving.
Our old house there was about enough parking for the residence on one side of a single track road which was mostly fine - the only problem was a local garage wouldn't let their staff park on site so they'd rock up in the morning trying to park as we left for work, the number of times they'd be getting annoyed because we weren't leaving quickly enough was amazing :rolleyes:

Now i've naffed off to the country we have garage space for 2, drive space for 4 at a push and enough verge for around 6 cars at a push, but the misses won't let me start collecting bangers :(
A few of my neighbour's love me when I call at home in my 55ft articulated truck, one even called the police (even though busses could get past me easily) he was told in no uncertain terms by said police (I was surprised they tuned up tbh) they even though my street has a 7.5ton weight limit, it has an access exception and me going to my house is just such an exception.

I could understand if this was in the evening or overnight but we're talking the middle of the day when most of my neighbours are out...

And the reason I call home in the artic is when ever I collect from a customer in the industrial estate down the road, I'll often call home to make sure my dog is ok. :)
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