Parped...move along now!

I think Reavers 3 x gtx 295 still have a way to go and the 2 x 460 are just bedding in, will be another 3-4 weeks and should get him 34000-3600 i reckon.
Mr Halz usually gets up over 80000 rac, but i have a nagging suspicion he is currently working on a "project x" that will get him uncomfortably close to my rac :eek::D


Looking at the gpu users group, yes there output is phenominal with so few members but they are in a much riskier position with no large userbase as backup. I would not wish bad luck on anyone but it would only take a few instances of unforeseen circumstances to drastically reduce there rac, whereas we can try and galvanise the innactive 1000 plus members on ocuk :)
Yeeeehawwww go Loudbob :D

Quick question your total 8,822,919, how much extra do you think there is to add in the next 24 hours, just curious ;):)
I tell thee it warms the heart to see all this activity, so much energy and thought going into everything. Everything from the skyward rac, upgrades the possibility of another stomp monster!
Am looking forward to testing Area51's script on a test rig too i can see the wu injection/script for benchmarking turning into something very interesting.
Good times all round :)
Well thats easily solved Mr Loudbob sah, you simply mmmmm pass the rma on to my good self through the usual channels and be happy with the boost that you will undoubtedly be kicking out come tuesday :)
I think you will see 80000 without too much trouble Loudbob......ooooeck....this means Mr Halz will step upto the mark and in turn i will be under pressure....mmmm i think i will sleep on it lol
CGS - Sir you have been parped and passed ;):)
Now where/who to direct my attention.....oooooeck it looks like Mr loudbob Sah, i have bitten my lower lip on occassion when parped, but you may benefit from a fork to chomp down on in the very near future. It's only a passing thing and lets face it your going to be a future headache i just know it.
Now get that superdupergazilliongpumultioverclockedthingummywotsit built and running ;):)
It's been quite a week with stomping, everyones rac is heading up there a lot of movement and theres yet another team stomp on the horizon!
Well i am pooped and am in need of a bit of quiet, so am switching off till monday evening from 7pm tonight.
No i am not trying to wind people up or play a poker hand, am trying my best but sometimes we all need just . . . . . did you hear that?
It was the abscence of fans, no windows alerts, no alarm tones just calm.

Monday evening onwards mind it's all out war, let the rutting begin!
great scott! all 4 of you (Toxic, Loudbob, Edgedemon and ReaverUK) are most probably going to pass me within the month that I am away! (sorry halz, I'm just going by the monthly total creds, and you're just short of what I have..., but I'm guess you'll probably pass me too!)
All of my rigs are on no new work/ 3 days cache as well. sigh. Biffa will probably wake up too, so I'm well out of the top ten by the time I get back.

Wouldn't worry Grimgoth you'll be back in no time and posing a threat yet can make it 2 months if ya like ;):)
Amen to that!!!

:)Evil sod lol i reckon we will all make it into the top ten, but theres gonna be a whole lot of pushin/shovin and stomping before - indeed if- theres a change in the number one spot:)
Hope your on track with those rogue wu's and your completion times :(
I am now Mr Biffa sah :D

"I was just thinking of ......well i really shouldn't say, no i can't honestly will you please stop pressing me on the matter...i am not one for idle twaddle (he says umpteen posts later) i really have been sworn to secrecy so it does not matter how hard any of you try to get it out of me i just ....well i just can't :("

Sorry bout that, i put it down to a change of medication how can i be of service Mr Biffa ?
I go on holiday for 10 days leaving the rigs Folding (cos i told Biffa i would give them some time at the end of the month) and look what happens :(:p that'll teach me for going to the dark side ;)

Congrats on all the stomps and restomps ;)

"God damn you. God damn you all to hell!!"

Its all swings and roundabouts will probably remain that way for a while at least Mr Reaver sah:)
Q: How do you get a 20 crunchers into a telephone box?
A: Tell em they're gonna get stomped is how :D no?:confused: :(
Parped and passed : Simon and Mr Loudbob sah respect.
A note to the following your number is nearly up, and i'm going to especially enjoy waving down to you on the way past.

Grimgoth - talk about kicking a man while he's down - enjoy the break ya slacker lol
Biffa - That'll teach you to make fun of TeamOcUK3 otherwise known as puke.

Just for once make an effort and leave the cells tidy, i might do short stays but i dont do riff raff so scrub em out!!!!
Parped and passed!

Next up, gentlemen consider yourself parped unless you have an ace in the hole :D

5 IAN 12,381,511.98 +2.08wk
6 Stuart Gibson 11,602,001.97 +1.07wk
7 BA 11,295,902.20 -142,046 -142,046 -275,042 -488,978 +1.05wk

Looks promising getting to number 5, but i have a feeling it's going to take a lot longer to get higher up, may as well admit it now i am officially "interested" in the number 1 spot :D
Thanks BaBa i was looking to make an extra push but it seems the p5q mobo i got is not quite right, either that or i have goofed up somewhere along the line, gpu's going to waste....tis a crying shame :(
Any resident genius wandering past is welcome to give me an opinion on this problem if you wouldn't mind.
Just built a rig
Asus P5Q deluxe mobo
Q6600 cpu
Thermaltake 875w psu
H50 push/pull
gtx 470 x 2

The build went fine os install fine but after approx 30 minutes sometimes more sometimes less the screen just freezes and there is no response from mouse/keyboard and i have to restart.
Needless to say this is getting on my last nerve end and if i dont sort it in the next day or two i fear for the safety of my double glazing.
All parts are new besides cpu second hand, have checked and double checked cabling, psu is new too, i re installed o/s three times now and still the same thing. One good thing it never froze while i was installing the os....any thoughts or advice on what i can do to avoid the dreaded rma?
Thanks in advance :(
Evening sah,am not running boinc on it as yet to bleeding scared i'll vandalise summat.
I was thinking power its a thermaltake toughpower xt 875 got it on ebiyer if you look at it you cant cross the cables .... so blinking cinfused now - if you manage to look at a pic of it you will know what i mean on "that" site that lets ya zoom in with a periscope :)
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