Parped...move along now!

Unhooked anything i dont really need so just powering the cpu,h50,1hd and 1 470 still freezes, will just cut my losses and rma the psu and the board as i have no way of proving which is at fault.The psu lights are green and all leads where plugged in firmly in the correct way so am going to take a pot shot and say the mobo, how/why and what i could do to right it i don't know other than setting back to defaults.
Neve mind guess its hot chocolate and resident evil 4 instead :(
My ego felt the need for a minor update, would the following kindly sidestep...TBag coming through :)

5 IAN 12,381,511.98 - 3 days
6 Stuart Gibson 11,602,001.97 - a few hours
7 BA 11,295,902.20 -Parped and passed - respect

Oh it's going to be a long wait but definately have my eye set on the number one spot now :)
Cheers BaBa, have had more than my fair share of hardware woes or it would have been better rac much sooner.
Have to say rank 1 on 2 projects on your sig looks great you've put a lot into it, i will try to keep it up.....please don't make a concerted effort on seti just yet, my wallet couldn't stand another spend :D:D:D
My rack shelves should arrive tomorrow along with my first 460, not got the catchin of you yet but you wont be gettin away as fast:D

Also worked out why my 260 has never done what it should, its a Palit sonic with two fans and i dont think one has ever been running from the lack of dust on it.
Must have been downclocking on overheat,ive now inserted the guts out of a case fan into it, looks awful but temps are good:)


Blimey, your lucky the card still works sah!
All this talk of upgrades and rack shelves and me not getting anywhere fast - you sure your not related to Mr Halz?
Best get this build done right away - fully charged electric screwdriver - and i'm not afraid to use it - back in a few hours :D
Evening BaBa, why do any of us start anything? Happy new racks sah at least you have all the hardware you need thats a big part of the battle.
I would give ati a try once i get present hardware running as i like it, and that means understanding every last little part that goes into the larger picture and ends with a completed wu so far am not doing to bad. I will give ati a try in a few months when my own personal dust has settled and we can see what the red team refresh brings.
Those accelero coolers are one of only two things that have made my jaw drop of late, the other being the elctricity usage ahh why worry lol
I hope your build go's according to plan, you seem to know what you want to do and how to go about it. As an incoming noob i can still respect the intelligence and experience of someone streets ahead of myself, i hope we see some updates from you and maybe some pics.
Fingers crossed and all the best sah.......don't question yourself, just go do it and revel in your achievement when it's complete!!! :D:D

Right now who's snatched me b..... power driver argghhhhhh :eek::D
Ahh Mr Loudbob sah, i reminder as if i needed one that i shouldnt rest on my laurels for long your 100k is a bit close for comfort hopefully my rigs should start to settle down and give me around the 110,000 mark fingers crossed.
Look forward to those pics and details Mr Baba best of luck!
With parps so few and far between i will have to extend the range wot wot!

A parp to Mr br83taylor 7-9 days, please be so kind and leave the place in an orderly state you have no idea the mess i've had to clean up on the way here:D:D:D
Morning Mr BaBa am miles away from your einstein total it's just a stop gap until seti is fixed :)
Good choice of psu i went for the same model on 2 of the rigs and have had no problem so far, when they say 15oow that is it whereas others can peak at 1600 but hey ho.
Its arrived and is running 3 5970's on milkyway.
Two iterations seem to crash after 30 seconds or so but im going ahead with the build (adding the forth and a 1kw psu) all on a custom mount/riser thingy mounted on one of my racks(building it now:confused:).
Cant have them running for long anyway ,too close together.
So i need the riser to test it with different drivers etc anyway:(

Oh sweet am liking the sound of that! Of course i was a bit clueless when i started and thought a 1500w would power 2 x 480 + 2 x 470 so rather than it get really complicated new cases extra psu i just got rid of the 480 and done a 2x4 nice and neat. I guess i will have to start and pull my weight on milkyway have been sat watching others fly by, will make astart this week.
Best of luck with the build Mr BaBa sah, if your not too buisy could we trouble you for some pics? I love a good nosey :D

sorry not going to be able to do much against your mighty output, will ahve to rely on SETI outages to stay ahead....

And that state of the cell, it was like that when i found it honest...

Hi Mr br83taylor i guess were all going to have to play the waiting game and see how the new server pans out. Must admit i miss seti something rotten but am putting the cycles to good use.....fingers crossed we can all get going again real soon :)
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