It's awesome to have Noctua on board with Parvum Lightning, their logo looks right at home on the banner. Since experiencing the iPPC on project Chocolate Box I have been totally in love with their no-compromise way of doing things. I can't wait!
The time has come for the Lightnings to part ways with their Tri-Frozr coolers, i've finally found 4 blocks from far away corners of the world... Italy, Germany and Stoke-o.. Newcastle-under-Lyme.

I was impatient and already blocked one card which is just as well as they are enormous.
With them all stripped back it's time to reflect on the epicness of a GK110-425-B1 on a Lightning PCB.
Each of the backplates had to have the holes opened out to fit EK's larger 3mm screws, I had contemplated switching backplates, they aren't as clean looking as I would typically like. However the Lightning identity was something that can't be taken away, the blue LED's scattered through the power delivery are an awesome touch. I can't wait to see how they illuminate between each block, especially as they are right over the nickel plate.
Now there are four again, all dat power!
Hey XPOWER, I see you down there.
Suddenly the motherboard doesn't look very significant in magnitude!
Loved this update, there is something crazy and overkill about Quad-SLI that can't be equaled. Seeing all of the EK parts married together in such proximity is phenomenal, their fittings really stand out being consistent in diameter and knurling across the entire selection I have.
Just a few more parts to find and it will be time to make progress on the case