That's a very interesting method to leak test, surprised it's taken so long for someone to come up with it!

Because filling it with air would give no visual indication of where and why it leaked.


Realistically how many components are going to be in the average loop? 5 or 6? With two fittings each it's not going to take long to find where the leak is.
Realistically how many components are going to be in the average loop? 5 or 6? With two fittings each it's not going to take long to find where the leak is.

We are testing just the pass-through block in isolation, so figuring out what part of the o-ring leaked, if it was the join in the o-ring, the tolerance of the groove, the pressure on the screws is the important thing. Using air would just show that it leaked which isn't helpful at all and it would be impossible to use soap or similar to pin point the exact location as chances are it's definitely somewhere inaccessible between two sheets of acrylic. However with a coloured/opaque coolant its easy to see what happened and then modify the part based on that.

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Air testing is nothing new, its just not used a lot because its extremely dangerous from an industrial view. Hydrostatic testing is far safer. However at the pressures and volumes here that doesn't really apply, unless someone is stupid enough to hook it up to something greater than bike pump !
After some successful testing rocking 2.4mm o-ring and a countersunk lid we made a huge amount of progress on PARVUM SHEEDY this week. I hear news from the south that an epic update is in progress.


Today we will be taking a look at the progress on PARVUM SHEEDY, lots has been done on the assembly and loop front, plus all of the custom cables i've been working on. There have been a few set backs along the way with O-ring tolerances but after some testing of the custom parts in isolation they are now looking solid.


Straight in with a cheeky radiator stack perfectly flanking an EK DDC.


...and another EK DDC for good measure.


Everything in this case is a mm perfect fit. The elaborate snake of rotaries are used to get the tubing around the end of the GPU and keep it perpendicular to the midwall.



With the pumps, radiator and motherboard mounted we cut the shorter hard to access pieces of tubing first.


And 100% remembered to plug in the right pump before adding fittings. :D


Next up the GPU, an EK blocked ASUS 780 DCUII and some of the longer tubing runs










With most of the front taken care of it was time to address the tubing in the rear. This connects the inner front radiator and completes the loop by returning the top radiator back to the reservoir.


While the loop was coming together all of the cables were simultaneously fitted and positioned.



All that left was the top radiator and the reservoir which came in as one sub assembly united to the loop by 2 vertical tubes to each pump.



With everything fitted, cabled and tubed together that concludes our progress so far. All that remains is to connect the embedded LED strip to a peripheral connector of the PSU, fit the M.2 SSD and fill the loop!


But not just yet ;)
Man that looks epic, so clean!

Thank you Brian!

Lovely build but please try and take some straight pictures.

Due to it being small updates and really just trying to get nice cool close ups of the shiny bits; non-straight photos look best. This is by all accounts a very artistic and pretty wild in style PC build so the photo style was done to suit that. After all I did use 3 fittings just to send a tube somewhere I didn't even need to go, but that was the look I wanted.

That said when we finish and do final photos we will of course include more 'stock case' photos. So you can gauge how the system looks as far as scale and take a look at the loop (if anyone will ever understand the loop).
What colour for the water? Please put something bright in there, would offset the all-white build quite nicely.
Awesome build (and I even like the artistic angled photo's! lol)

Think you gotta stay monochromatic with fluids? a mid-grey to match them lovely custom cables maybe?
I have started to run out of words to express how great your builds look!

Thanks sir, means a lot.

The tubing wow !
Its like a glass spider trying to escape from a Parvum case (love it)

That's probably the closest and most accurate description to my loop style you can get.

What colour for the water? Please put something bright in there, would offset the all-white build quite nicely.

I did think about going bright with this but this is actually for a friend and he made the coolant colour request as part of his initial brief. See next quote.

Awesome build (and I even like the artistic angled photo's! lol)

Think you gotta stay monochromatic with fluids? a mid-grey to match them lovely custom cables maybe?

Glad you like the photos. They are taken in a style to match the build style. As you can see my loops are usually either love or hate. If you want to make the cleanest most simple route to each part then this is not it. I like to experiment with flow and make loops do really nice things. Nice to my eyes anyway.

We've gone with black. As per original request from Sheedy. We tried some other tones, dark greys etc but the black gave a super strong and harsh contrast against the chrome fittings and worked really well with the under lighting.

SHEEDY is showing some signs of life!


Picking up directly from the last update the Mayhems oil black coolant is going in.


After a lot of weird turns and furious shaking the loop was very close to full, all of the fittings made a great seal so it was powered up for the first time and left to pump for several hours.


Initially there were some very pretty patterns in the condensation on the top of the reservoir, hopefully they will re-appear as the effect under the frosted was outstanding in person.



The choice to go with oil black coolant was immediately justified as soon as we turned the studio lights off, from here on in all of the pictures were taken with just the LED strip in the base of the rig powered on.





Then entire rig is illuminated evenly by the refractions through the 10mm clear pass-through block which in turn highlights the frosted accents.







SHEEDY is ready for i55, even if the rest of us aren't!

Thanks for all of your comments and subs so far, final photos aren't far away now.
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