passed my prmc :D

2 Dec 2002
for those that dont know "potential royal marines course"

past the course,

was the hardest 3 days of my life never been in so much pain

first day we got up at 5 showered shaved ect breakfast at 6
drill (marching) at 8am to 9am then we got changed ino training gear and did a harsh warmup one person dropped out on it, straight after a 3mile run in under 22mins one person droppd out 100meters into it followed by 6 more over the 3 mile the warm up is very harsh we did it in 20min which i thaught was easy.

got showered then went to fire some wepons in the simulator for an hour and got a lecture on the course ahead got our dinners at 12pm then did gym test 1 at 2pm with another harsh warmup by the pti lots of sprints pressups situps ect with no rests we had to jog on the spot straight after we did the bleep test i got upto lvl 12.1 (11.9 marked as exelent) and came joint second some beast got to lvl13 this was sharply followed by our pressup count i got 56 (chest to the floor otherwise they done count) in 2mins max no stopping, then sittups i managed 70 in 2mins then we did pull ups i did the max allowed wich was 6. end of phys for the day we had some boarring lectures,

day 2 up at 5ame again scran ect,.. then we done the dreaded bottom feild wich is a big assault course. wearring boots the warm up was the hardest and most painfull thing i have ever done i had massive blisters on my akilease(sp?) tendon at the bottom and my big toes from the poor fitting boots, sprints totaled about 5-6mile around the feild managed ok again lots of pressups situps squat jumps and knee jumps managed the assault course in 3:40 with was considerd average 3:30 beeing good due to blisters this bit lasted 4hours total exercise with no rests what so ever i was breathing out of every hole possible lol. more showering and lectures food at 12pm again then gym test 2 at 2pm these were team exercises gues what damn harsh warm up at the start lol followed by a massive amount or 30meter sprints just to see if anyone would drop out again we had no rest we never stood still on the entire course we had to run on the spot ( on the gym tests/bottome field, obv not durring lunch ect lol)

inbetween we got a few beasting cos of some little scousa was beeing gobby and ppl were talking when marching around camp usualy aload of pressups and knee jump things that make you hang out.

day 3

looked like crap felt like hammerd crap acheing all over and my feet were killing me no phys today just lectures then home at 10am

glad its over but still have 32 weeks of harder stuff still to come to get my green lid

carnt wait for it should be around 2months before i join up for basic training

proud as punch with myself

ps sry for any spelling/punchtuation still tired and cba to sive through it

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horrible phots of blisters to follow tomorrow when i can move more lol

forgot to mention 40ish started the course 7 dropped on the run 1 on the bottom feild and 4-5 faild on fittness i was asked if i wanted to leave on the bottom feild because of my blisters was followed by a sharp loud "NO STAFF" * continues to jog on the spot*

needless to say best career move ever anyone considdering i would be glad to answer what i can
Wow, well done mate. Thats some hard ass things you just did, btw what are **** ups? :P lol

A naughty typo ;)

May want to check your spelling of "situps" there, seems to be a "h" slipped in there ;) .

Sounds like hard work! Good on you for sticking in there and congrats on passing :) .

My cousin waitied from the age of 14 to be ready for the Marines only to then find out he has a missing vertebrae so can't get in despite his amazing physical fitness :o . He was gutted to say the least.
i did lots of cuircut(sp?) training in the gym went like this

1mile run at 10mph on the tredmill, wouldnt go faster so used 5% inc as warm up, didnt start at 10mph went to 5 increasing 2mph every min upto 10

25 pressups
20 knees to chest (situp way)
20 squats
10 pullups
20 alt knee to elbow situps
20 box jumps
20 tricep dips
20 half sits
10 lunges each leg
1 mile run 10mph 5%inc takes something like 6-7mins i dont like looking at the mile ometer thing kinda makes it drag if you look at it every 2 seconds

2min rest

same again but 5 more reps and +10 lunges each leg
1mile run 10mph 6-8% inc

2mins then first set again with a slower run 7-8.5mph no inc

this got me tired but nothing compared to the acctual warm ups on the course its just unbelivable what they do to you on the bottom feild

this was 3 times a week, mon wed fri

every day was atleast a 3mile run, usualy 6-7mil at a fast pace with 4 short sprints in the run lampost to lampost set out equaly on the run. days i didnt goto the gym i did endurance pressups and situps which was 3 sets of max effort as many as i could do
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DaZzZa said:
sry for the typo honest mistake, but carnt seem to see it will have a read now
Yeah it was obviously a mistake, no need to worry I'm sure :) . Octagon seems to have sorted it though, so it's all fine now.
DaZzZa said:
ahh thanx octacon

anyone thinking of joining up? :)

Hmmm. There is another forum member who is umm... "Lt. Manlove" (he changed his name for a joke) and he wants to join. I know he has been working out hard but he would definately benefit from your advice...

Currently I am looking at going into the TA while studying. I have my eyes set on one really good TA unit but I am not sure I would pass if I went for it until later in the year... but at the moment I am training virtually every day, sometimes for hours...

I want to get onto hill-walking soon, and I would advise that you do to because i hear you'll have to do some of it at Lympstone...
Congrats. Sounds like some mighty tough training - I know I'd fail... I'm not a good long distance runner at all. :(

Seriously big pat on the back, I have the utmost respect for people like you. :)
Freefaller said:
Congrats. Sounds like some mighty tough training - I know I'd fail... I'm not a good long distance runner at all. :(

Seriously big pat on the back, I have the utmost respect for people like you. :)

Yeah, it certainly takes a lot to do endurance and hard physcial work like that...

Like Orwell said (paraphrased) - 'there are mean people who do nasty things so you can sleep soundly in your bed at night...'
Nice one mate, I'm looking at doing the PRMC around June but I've many hurdles to clear before then. I suffered from shin splints which set me back 8 weeks so my running has suffered horribly.

Your pre-PRMC routine seems pretty close to the one in the booklet from the AFCO which is what I'm trying to follow, glad to hear it works. :)
yea you should include a few hills into your run, i read that hills train your fast twich muscles without the need of sprinting all over i tend to jog faster up hills just to get out of breath more.

do not train every day you should have at least the weekend off.

go for quality not quantity, speed will come in time reason for this is because the guy next to me on the pressup test was getting loads nocked off for not doing them correctly every one he was doing wrong he was getting 5 took off he did 60ish pressups but only 22 of them counted and he failed the course
where as i did 56 and 56 counted.

the only hill running we did was a short but very steep one on the warm up for the bottom field with someone on our back as a beasting for not listening also did a few runs up it anyway but without the piggy back

do not substitute weights for say.. pressups your far better off doing just plain old exercise with your own body weight to give the proper muscles more strength and endurance if you feel you must do weights do them after your pressups and go for light weight lots of reps, this was right from the pti's mouth

for the loveman guy

read up on the core history

read and remember them

when down their, do exactly as your told keep your gob shut anddo not speak unless spoken too, unless your in your room chilling or the mess hall, no not be late we got a right thrashing for beeing 5mins late for morning detail, eat as much as you can unless told otherwise drink water untill your pee is totaly clear this is most important, i failed my first course because of dehydration i also naily died my body could not regulate its temp and i heated upto 41.3c core temp and organs began shutting down to supply my brain with water it was not very nice at all specialy when they put a thermometer up your.....

drinking plenty water is the key for good performance, STOP taking silly get fit fast pills ei cretene it only makes you weaker when you forget to take it if you eat right as in lots of potatoes/red meat/tuna/banarnas you will be fine
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Big up to you, I was a recruit in the RMR (Royal Marines Reserve) and on my stint at CTC the 2 things that stick in my mind is the Bottom Field and the Endurance Course. In all I spent about 2 years as a nod having got almost to the end of training, but I guess it just ground me down and I lost all motivation to train and as such I dropped out. I will try it again in a couple of years when I'm done uni though, but for the meantime its all a memory. The training is an absolute blast, the first stages of it is a nightmare though, the whole learning to iron, wash and shave from the beginning is a drag, but once you get onto field exercises it is fantastic, nothing like a Section Attack complete with the goodies, really gets the adrenaline going. :D
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