passed my prmc :D

should be starting the 32weeks training in april ish

doesnt matter what you know, you get taught EVERYTHING when you start your 32weeks even how to wash just so you dont have any excuses
Well done! I'm an Officer in the RNR so I look forward to you having to call me Sir if we ever meet! I considered for about 20 seconds joining the Royal Marines, but there is no way I would be hard enough. I might be able to get myself there physically, but mentally I couldn't do it so you deserve a lot of respect for what you are doing.
nice one mate, great news you passed, just get as much fitness as you can at the gym, will help you i should think
well done daz,

as a good mate of his i know how much effort he has put into this.

as for blobson.. yea your right halton is p... compared to what the RM do but fear not there are some things in the RAF u can try if u feel u want more like the parras course.

aircraft tech = chocolate rigger dont let any 1 tell u otherwise... ull prolly find that more relevant after basic training. (hehe)

hope to see u out in kanahar or baghdad some time fella
DaZzZa said:
do not substitute weights for say.. pressups your far better off doing just plain old exercise with your own body weight to give the proper muscles more strength and endurance if you feel you must do weights do them after your pressups and go for light weight lots of reps, this was right from the pti's mouth

Good advice there. Weight lifting is for putting on muscle mass. Power lifting (very heavy weights, few reps) is for explosive strength. Light weight/bodyweight exercises (high reps) are for endurance (sustained strength) which I would imagine is far more important in the military.

Congratulations mate. I am envious in many ways, being a fitness freak I would love to put my body through the kind of torture you just have. It's something to be proud of and a great achievment. :)
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Well done DaZzZa, it looks like any training you did paid off. Let the blisters heal and then hit the streets, keep fit and then you should be able to see just how much you can push yourself.

I had a mate who was in the RM and another in the Paras, the RM used to go running with a rucksack containing two breeze bocks. He was mad though but very fit. Good luck in April.
***** me you have lost a lot of weight since i last seen ya mate.

still look well hard tho :p

well done mate

You need to disguise your swearing better in future.

Jaswan said:
***** me you have lost a lot of weight since i last seen ya mate.

still look well hard tho :p

well done mate

lost over 3.5 stone since i left college, carnt seem to get much below 13st though no matter what i do

lol i am a pussy cat

didnt get any badge just the certificate
daz, dont worry about dropping weight, tbh id just worry about building stamina/recovery/fitness, its not up to me to tell u how to train but im sure dropping more weight will affect ** strength (i done wonna talk too personaly on the forum).... im sure once u finish ** basic ul have the chance to build ** self back up anyway.

respect mate. uv already acheived a lot :)
Blobson said:
Just been accepted as an aircraft technician for the RAF, the basic training looks like playtime compared to what you will have to go through!
All the best mate


That's the trade I'm looking at going into. I don't know if the forces are for me yet, but if I decide to do it, that's what I'm hoping to join up as :)

And well done DaZzZa! Sounds pretty hardcore that training :eek:
absolutely 1st class, well done. I did that sort of stuff in 1967, 16 weeks basic followed by 21 weeks advanced. It doesnt make you a better person just helps you to know the person you are.
If you've a mind to...stick with it, you obviously have the enthusiasm and the stamina(both mental and physical).
waaaaaa, do all that training and join the army? noooo :p
it was marines specific(sp?) training course dont think the army do any pre selection training like this.
The exception I think is 29 Cdo RA, they do the all arms course and the standards have to be as high as the RM selection..they do the same commando tests and work alongside the Marines.

Hope it all goes well for you mate. I read a Para instructor used to say to recruits "What's pain? Its nothing. Just a sensation. So what do you do with pain? Look it in the face and laugh at it".
yea i got a few good sayings that keep me going

"pain is a weakness leaving the body"

"pain is temporary pride is forever"
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