Passwords - how do you manage them all?

Yeah. My emails are 64 characters. A load of the online shops I use are 64 characters and then it goes down in character lenght depending on the online store and the character lenght it allows. I use password generator everytime I need a new password.

So they all go into a text file. Then when I need em, I pop it in and cut and paste. It's just a habit I've gotten into. I think it's crazy people still use one password for multiple logins.

That's all well and good, apart from you not being able to remember them... What happens if the text file breaks? Or gets stolen?
I have a few.

The most annoying is the work one which makes you change it every three months... I use a word from the next big event coming up... so unless you are me you wouldn't know what it was... because there are always several things it could be ;)

BB x
I tend to use 1 for all e-mail accounts, 1 for shops, 1 for games etc. they are 8 char random ones and I memorize them all.

For stuff I don't care about I use 12345. :p
I usually have 3 different type of password - going up in "layers" of security

Layer ONE - basic sites that are not that big a deal, blog commenting etc, not to complex with a few numbers switched in and out.

Layer TWO - online shopping which are longer and more complex.

Layer THREE - saved for banking and email - the longest and most complex.

I usually have 3 different type of password - going up in "layers" of security

Layer ONE - basic sites that are not that big a deal, blog commenting etc, not to complex with a few numbers switched in and out.

Layer TWO - online shopping which are longer and more complex.

Layer THREE - saved for banking and email - the longest and most complex.


Do you have a chart upon which to look up the severity?
I usually have 3 different type of password - going up in "layers" of security

Layer ONE - basic sites that are not that big a deal, blog commenting etc, not to complex with a few numbers switched in and out.

Layer TWO - online shopping which are longer and more complex.

Layer THREE - saved for banking and email - the longest and most complex.


Similar to this. Based around a similar theme. Should really make a new one though as I thought of it when I was 8... :o
I use 3 different passwords, 9 lowercase letters for basic stuff like forums and blogs, 10 lowercase for a few more important blogs and then 1 with 14 characters, lowercase and upper, 6 numbers and a few special characters.
I just let Firefox remember the passwords. When I create one, I usually just slam my fist on the keyboard a few times, copy the string, register, then save it when I log in.
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