Pay Day 2 VR..

I like Payday 1+2 but I really am not a fan of teleport locomotion, They could have just implemented mouse and keyboard or even a simple XB1 gamepad for walking/running/crouching.
Just watching a review on YouTube from SweViver and it is sliding teleportation and it looks great. From SweVivers reactions to it I think it will be good. I am downloading it now even though it says it is for Vive only. Not sure it will work but I'll give it a try.
I gave it a go this morning and it's the first time I've been late for work in years. :p I think with a few tweaks and some good updates, these guys are gonna have a hit on their hands with VR players. Just need to add more types of locomotion. I dont mind the sliding teleport but would have prefered it if I could at least turn with the joystick too. Only got 2 sensors on Oculus so it can be a bit of a PITA. But its great otherwise. Big thumbs up to the developers especially considering its an add-on to the standard game.:D
It's worth it without:o

Not having played Payday before, I can see how it's totally addictive and why the huge following. Shock horror the teleporting hasn't put me off, because it's that manic.

After a couple of hours with it, it's another one of those where you think, why would I play this any other way. Having the ability to hold your weapon one handed around a corner laying waste to cops lined up to slaughter with room scale is immense.

The devs have done well for a first effort beta, runs like a dream, and it's all as decent looking as you could expect.

Having got the game for free, I feel the need to shower them with some cash in some way. Very impressed, very much the future for fps.
Only having a front facing oculus setup makes playing this impossible, I put off ordering a 3rd sensor for to long, going to order one tonight
Well I installed the smooth locomotion mod that everyone is raving around, managed to play for 20 minutes, but now I really feel as sick as a dog from motion sickness.
Well I installed the smooth locomotion mod that everyone is raving around, managed to play for 20 minutes, but now I really feel as sick as a dog from motion sickness.

Do you already have VR motion legs? or is this one of the first smooth turning games you've played?
If you are still breaking in the vr legs, the tip that helped me was: The moment you feel any weird sensations (mine was feeling hotter and the thread through the eye of a needle feeling), stop. Then try again the next day. Don't let it go as far as being obvious you're getting sick before you stop.
This really helped me out. Before hand i was playing 30 mins etc and feeling sickly before i stopped. Never got better until the above tip.
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