You can always start a lobby with two people and let two randoms join in. I'm at a point where I'm deciding whether to keep pushing technician or to start rounding out mastermind and enforcer. I really want the hand saw for vaults and arms, but it seems miles away.
Just like Devrij says, the lobby can be left open. A couple of nights back, I saw my brother playing it and I joined his game with ease. Ahh...Payday 2 = good times :)
Yeah it happened to me just as the end of mission rewards were being dished out. So I missed out on the goodies that you get on the card selection deck.
Really tempted to get this in the sale, but quite worried about how receptive the community will be going on the above comments...

I found the community have been quite a good bunch, people only get annoyed when you have silly low levels trying to do overkill/deathwish missions
I just wondered if there's anyway of improving the graphics, as for quite modern game I was expecting them to be . . . erm . . . better. Is there any texture updates you can get for it, or am I pretty much stuck with what I have?
I'm running everything maxed out by the way at 1920x1080p
I always though the Graphics were alright :S
The graphics themselves are OK but the textures of ground clutter is just awful.

Sorry I should have made myself more clear, I meant the ground clutter etc being low resolution. Generally the environments and maps are great, but there's certain parts that seem to have REALLY low resolution textures and for me it kind of spoils the environment.
I'd love it if the items with really low quality texture (like the keycards, packages and general rubbish etc round the maps) could be updated with higher quality textures as I feel, it'd really improve the visuals of the game and make the game more immersive.
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think i'll just take a punt on it then. would you recommend any of the DLC?

Not if you have any friends who have the DLC (maps) as you can play it as long as they host.

Otherwise I'll wait till you progress more into the game before buying the extra guns packs/ map packs.
I brought my htpc on holiday with me (rented a house for a week) and tried to play this offline with an Xbox pad. Besides being hampered by the silly sticks, I didn't realize the bots didn't pick up loot bags! I was stealthing jewlery store on hard for some XP and could have done with someone to keep the civs down, but when someone finally called the cops I had to then run 6 bags out to the van one by one! Nearly did it, but eventually I was caught in the open with a bulldozer and that was that.
I brought my htpc on holiday with me (rented a house for a week) and tried to play this offline with an Xbox pad. Besides being hampered by the silly sticks, I didn't realize the bots didn't pick up loot bags! I was stealthing jewlery store on hard for some XP and could have done with someone to keep the civs down, but when someone finally called the cops I had to then run 6 bags out to the van one by one! Nearly did it, but eventually I was caught in the open with a bulldozer and that was that.

Stealth is definitely the way forward when playing solo. As you receive so little exp from normal missions later on, and difficult mission fire fights become painful when one bot gets disabled. And successful mission gives you an additional exp boost for next mission first try only.

I highly recommend spending points in Mastermind tree to ace Cable Guy. So you can lock down 6 civilians instead of 2. Then I killed other alerted civilians so I could loot place dry and search for Gage mods (if have DLC). But shooting civilians immediately takes money from your spending pile, so cancelling or failing mission will leave you with less money than started with unless you looted everything.

Also worth getting Fast Learner and Endurance from Mastermind tree. Transported from Enforcer. Sprinter from Ghost, and maybe Fast Hands.
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I've been playing this for the last few days and I cannot for the life of me work out how you're meant to be able to do anything stealthily in this game. I am always discovered!

Say for example I'm doing a bank heist, can you apply real world logic to the game and think "Well if I'm robbing this bank, I need to stop the cashier from pressing the alarm button, and avoid the cameras, and detain the security guard and also contain the area" and then do that? Or is it not like that at all?

Any stealth pointers would be much appreciated :)
Bought the Shotgun DLC last night. The Shovel is great :D Had a great time beating a cloaker over the head with it until another appeared from a nearby vent :o
I've been playing this for the last few days and I cannot for the life of me work out how you're meant to be able to do anything stealthily in this game. I am always discovered!

Say for example I'm doing a bank heist, can you apply real world logic to the game and think "Well if I'm robbing this bank, I need to stop the cashier from pressing the alarm button, and avoid the cameras, and detain the security guard and also contain the area" and then do that? Or is it not like that at all?

Any stealth pointers would be much appreciated :)

Firstly, what does your loadout consist of? What's your detection rating when performing said heists? Are you accompanying a competent team?
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I've been playing this for the last few days and I cannot for the life of me work out how you're meant to be able to do anything stealthily in this game. I am always discovered!

Say for example I'm doing a bank heist, can you apply real world logic to the game and think "Well if I'm robbing this bank, I need to stop the cashier from pressing the alarm button, and avoid the cameras, and detain the security guard and also contain the area" and then do that? Or is it not like that at all?

Any stealth pointers would be much appreciated :)

Probably best to look at some Youtube videos, e.g.

Don't worry about all his ghost tree skills. Sprinter is definitely wanted for faster movement speed, and the others just contribute but can still be done without them.

Play bank heist via off-line mode. This allows you to press escape and restart mission as you will be messing up a lot.

As trying to do it stealthy you don't wear any armour, and have a silenced pistol. For main weapon pick the one with lowest detection, as you won't be using it unless it has a silencer.

Keep restarting mission until safe and security camera room are next to each other in the back part of bank. It's easier there than by main cash teller and queue in front part.

Sometimes the guards and manager wander outside. So if either of the white side doors leading to car park are open then there is chance they may exit eventually. Or on to roof as that door is always open. Just requires patience waiting for them.

When cable tie manager he sometimes drop key card to instantly unlock security camera room, otherwise it will be on his office desk so probably easier to drill door to camera operator once no guards patrolling.

If you shoot a security camera a guard will eventually come to check. You can sometimes hear their radio when shoot a camera. Indicating they have been given an order to go check it out. So if external camera on roof and one by side door in car park you can lure out a guard for an easier kill.
I've been playing this for the last few days and I cannot for the life of me work out how you're meant to be able to do anything stealthily in this game. I am always discovered!

Say for example I'm doing a bank heist, can you apply real world logic to the game and think "Well if I'm robbing this bank, I need to stop the cashier from pressing the alarm button, and avoid the cameras, and detain the security guard and also contain the area" and then do that? Or is it not like that at all?

Any stealth pointers would be much appreciated :)

It's like the real world. Camera, guards - pedestrians can call the police (so having a jammer is always good)
The tellers have silent alarms by their desk - so make sure they are tied quickly.
Stealthing really is much easier with at least one other player, one player does the loot work while the other keeps the hostages down and deals with anyone else that wanders into the area.
I've been playing this with two mates for a couple of hours and its really fun, stealth seems to be very hard although we nearly got through the jewellery store mission but I failed to answer a pager in time.
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