Paypal on BBC1

Apparently Watchdog have been recieving 30+ emails a week about Paypal and people getting stung through Paypal and accounts getting locked etc....... But there T&C's cover everything so not much can be done.
I friend of mine was ripped off by Paypal.

He bought a PSU, it was faulty, he was sent a new one and compensation. Paypal then said it was an unauthorised account use, took the money out of his account and then charged him for it!

Some dodgy goings on.

Needless to say I don't use Paypal.
I don't use Paypal as one of my mates, had the same problem as Weescott. From that point I stopped using it.
I've used Paypal for a couple of years without a problem, apart from one claim I had to file against someone. That took almost 5 months from me reporting it to Paypal to them giving me my money back (minus some fees they took).

I think a lot of complaints are not fair. People misunderstanding the rules, being scammed by someone (other than Paypal) etc...

The main thing I hate about Paypal, and why I avoid using it to recieve money, is the huge fee that they charge for doing very little. Out of a £50 sale about £42 reaches the bank account after eBay and Paypal fees. £8 to use a tiny amount of their server space and bandwidth for a week? Not fair IMHO. :mad:
I think the fact that PayPal and eBay are such close bedfellows will be their downfall. They shirk responsibility at every opportunity and it's far too easy to lose out to a scammer. Their reputations have taken a hammering over the last couple of years and the first person to come up with a reputable alternative will make a killing.
Tru said:
I think the fact that PayPal and eBay are such close bedfellows will be their downfall. They shirk responsibility at every opportunity and it's far too easy to lose out to a scammer. Their reputations have taken a hammering over the last couple of years and the first person to come up with a reputable alternative will make a killing.

I heard on the news some weeks back that a young guy and his dad set up an aution site to rival ebay, part of the proceedings from listing goes to charity or so....what happened?
Yes, eBay and Paypal may be getting too big for its boots but eBay does do it's best to combat fraud, but the amount of cases they must get everyday and they have to judge each one on it's merits to avoid being scammed themselves, so understandably its going to take some time. But I agree, some of the fees are completely over the top.
fireblade900 said:
Don't eBay own Paypal?

However, the whole trouble is the problem of fraud- When a credit card is fradulently used in a CNP transaction (IE. Non-chip & pin) the retailer is liable for the loss, not the bank.
This means that someone can use a fraudlent credit card & then Paypal will be liable for the fraudulent transaction. This is in essence why they attempt to reclaim the money from the person that was paid.

The next problem comes in that the fraudlent transactions will invariably be the 'big ticket' items going for £100+, and this means that the total loss will be greater & so on and so forth.

However, with the level of fees that are paid to them, I would have thought that they should be able to have some level of protection/ insurance.

My thoughts anyway.

On the subject of Paypal, a foreign customer of mine wanted to pay by CC but I can't do that, they then suggested paying by Paypal which I fobbed off as I don't know much about it to be honest & they currently pay by cash which is a PITA. I have a paypal account but are there any pitfalls if they pay regularly using it?:)
30+ emails complaining about ebay / paypal must be a tiny percentage of overall users. I hate this type of program as they never tell you what percentage of users are dissatisfied. As far as any of us know, this coould be 1% and we don't know how many of these are their own fault etc.

Watchdog is load of rubbish as they never actually resolve anything
Meh, What sector of retailing doesnt have a problem with fraud and its customers, I'd bet the people who use it properly and have never had a problem far outweigh the scammed people.
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