PC and cancel culture, what are the pros and cons?

If it helps lead us to a better and more tolerant society, then it's a good thing.

If we have one life and choose to live it as we wish; does it really take a lot of personal effort to re-shape your language on certain things to help others?

No one is asking you to wipe the sweat from a pre-ops ball-sack after they've been jogging. You're being asked to sign a form to show tolerance and compassion. If you feel forced, find a company that hates all groups except the one you feel you belong to.

If you don't do it for others, it could be your future child that becomes suicidal from wanting e.g. gender fluidity and society forcing them into a gender stereotyped box.
I’m surprised people claim cancel culture doesn’t exist. James Gunn got kicked off Guardians 3 for decade old tweets until a fan backlash and maybe some sense dawned. Jonny Depp just got dumped from the Potterverse for losing a liable case not getting found guilty of anything.
The internet has plenty of stories of comics whose careers came to a grinding halt not after bad sales but the wrong opinions. Even saint Rowling is subject to a fruitless campaign to ruin her new book sales on the basis of her perceived transphobia.

It here, it’s been here quite a long time and it has until recently mostly been a tool of the progressive left used to attack the income of those they disagree with.
The Depp thing is stupid. All that case did was say Depp cannot sue the Sun for calling him a "wife beater". It didn't prove anything and now the MeToo lot and NPC are on the anti-Depp bandwaggon.
Pro's - You never have to hear an opinion different to yours so you assume you are correct all the time making you feel very clever, that you're a "better" person that the rest and therefore you think you should feel happier.

Con's - You never get to find out that you're wrong and therefore never learn from any mistakes, you get overly angry when challenged because you lack any emotional maturity and you are never happy because you are constantly fighting people over their opinions.

My opinion on censorship has never changed - if what you are saying is legal then you shouldn't have your ability to give an opinion removed because some people don't like it. Censorship never changes the "offenders" mind, all it does is harden their position where as debate, while it maybe not very effective, is still a far better method of changing someone's mind than silencing them. It also keeps peoples opinions out in the open where then can be seen by all and debated, rather than banishing them to more "underground" areas where their opinions can harden amongst the other "banned" people which, while it makes the censors feel better (they no longer have to see/hear things they don't like) doesn't actually combat the "banned" persons views, making the censorship worthless in reality.

I suppose I just find the response of "I don't like it so you can't say/think it" used by those offended to be a little childlike, not that I'm calling those who feel offended children but just to point out the immaturity and selfishness behind "If I don't like something no-one else should be able to".
Television is littered with reprehensible morons airing stupid opinions and losing their cushy gig for it. Most of the time nothing of value was lost. On the other hand, the CEO of a charity should not be fired purely because they criticised BLM. This seems like a cowardly knee-jerk reaction to debate.

When you're forced to sign a non hate speech, accept trans people and pronouns training form in work...then yeah it's going a bit far.

I'm not sure I follow what's wrong with any of this? :confused:
I'm not a fan of anything which removes or reduces the opportunity for dialogue, discussion or debate.
OP, what did you have to sign exactly? Was it just a register to say you had attended the training, or something more binding?
If you have dictatorial tendencies like corporate monopolies you can force your policy on people and pass it off as just protecting vulnerable minorities, can't be a dictator if you're a good guy right?

It's undemocratic and is dismantling traditional society piece by piece and causing utter chaos along the way.
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