Just gave For the King a google, description sounded great, the images looks naff, the store page looked great, then there's a bunch of free updates. Looking at the reviews think I'm going to have to give it a go, people had the same initial judgement I have who fell in love with it (reminds me of mount and blade, looked pretty generic but actually a great game to play)Another 4 games on the way:
- Night Call, 7/17
- The Banner Saga 3, 7/18
- Killer Instinct DE, 7/25
- For The King, 7/25
"Well this one is certainly a hidden gem. And one I wouldn't have normally discovered. Don't be put off by the strange graphic style (which is initially grating) as I almost was. Don't be put off by the fact that it LOOKS like a casual mobile game as I almost was. Instead be completely taken aback by how good it is, how it has more depth than a great many more expensive titles, how all its extra scenarios were given free rather than being used to milk more money as DLCs, and how it's great as a single player game and even more fun as a co-op title. A solid 90% with bags of replay value, For the King is a must buy for the majority of gamers."