PC Game Pass (was Xbox Game Pass for PC)

No. There is still Xbox Game Pass and now there is also Xbox Game Pass for PC. Both are separate subscriptions. Buy you can't play the PC games (except the Play Anywhere ones) without having XGP for PC. It's something like £4 a month. But right now, you can convert all your existing XGP time into the Ultimate Pass for £1. It's a no-brainer.

Got it, thanks.

Please can you add this to the op:

Avoids confusion for PC only players or just stupid people like me.

So, they are creating a seperate PC SKU which is a good thing.
Not as good as Xbox Game Pass (yet). But at £3.99/month I've got no grumbles. The number of games I buy is sure to take a dip.

Happy to see Sunset Overdrive on there. I own it digitally on Xbox One, and was really disappointed that the PC port isn't "Play Anywhere".
Are we sure about this ultimate for £1 a month? When I go to do it, it says £1 for the first month then 10.99 every month after that? I have gold etc stacked for about 18 months currently.
Are we sure about this ultimate for £1 a month? When I go to do it, it says £1 for the first month then 10.99 every month after that? I have gold etc stacked for about 18 months currently.

Yes, so it will convert those 18 months to Ultimate and then add another 30 days on top. You just need to cancel it before the rebilling date if you want to go back to some other subscription.

NB. You attempt this at your own risk. I am no way to be held responsible for non-desirable outcomes. :D
Metro Exodus is a bargain they added that means it almost pays for itself the first year.

The big problem I have with this though is once you stop your sub you lose access to ALL content on the game pass so effectively you are tied to it forever or until you decide to lose access to the games.
Wow, hating windows tonight :) So I go to download games, I have to change my install location to a bigger drive, as C: is getting too full. Just getting errors, it will not let me. "Change where you install apps" "This app must be installed on your system, drive, but that's not the default settings". Well I had already done what it asked, changed my location for new content, it will not work.
Correct. And if you can't access it, it's because you're not running the very latest build of Windows 10.

Thanks, wasn't sure what I was doing wrong at first as it wasn't changing. I ended up having to make windows check for updates and that update took a little longer than usual.
Well, after several reboots and reinstalling more updates, restarting processes, clearing any settings I could fine, the store has now decided to install games where I want them. What a pain, definitely a beta app.
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