PC Game Pass (was Xbox Game Pass for PC)

How does this work with Windows login? Can I use a different email account to sign into windows and then a different one for the game pass? Or use a local account then just sign into pass?
Doom Eternal launches 5PM GMT today and has Xbox Live integration, Xbox Live cross platform integration & HDR10 according to the game pass page.
So today sees the release of Doom Eternal on Game Pass for PC, Control on Game Pass for Xbox and Android, Fenyx Rising on all platforms, and new Warhammer II DLC. Why, world? Why! :p Too much game, not enough time.
Really excited for Doom Eternal.

As an aside - does anyone else's Game Pass app say that they own Gears 4? I've played it previously on Game Pass but not bought it and am currently not a Game Pass subscriber but it says I own it and it's downloading for me now. Whether it will let me play it is another matter. I shall update in 133.7GB time.
Ok, well in that case I've no need for it on gamepass, I've already got it and completed it on Steam, only would have downloaded it on gamepass if it had the expansion too as that would have brought something new, no worries. Thanks iamtheoneneo/AWPC
I'm only seeing "Buy" options. And that's on the app, the Windows Store, the mobile app, and the web. I can install other Game Pass titles just fine.
I'm only seeing "Buy" options. And that's on the app, the Windows Store, the mobile app, and the web. I can install other Game Pass titles just fine.

Same here until I shut the app down completely and reloaded it. There was also an update to apply.
Doom Eternal might be wrong disc space wise. It's says 56GB but if you look at the downloads there are 2 x 56gb downloads. Std edition & Battlemode so you might want to have at least 120 GB hd space free just incase as XGP is not exactly the most accurate PC game store front!!
Does anyone else find gamepass is very slow compared to places like steam, I'd say it's about 1/3 the speed and I have to leave games downloading overnight. I'll have to see how much I'm downloading for doom. I've no interest in no but I can't see a way to stop that part as it said campaign was 10 mb.
Doom Eternal definitely finished after 56GB (maxed out my connection at 8MB/sec) but it only shows Battlemode in the Game Pass app. Starting that does give you the option to play campaign though and it didn’t do anymore downloading.
Doom Eternal definitely finished after 56GB (maxed out my connection at 8MB/sec) but it only shows Battlemode in the Game Pass app. Starting that does give you the option to play campaign though and it didn’t do anymore downloading.
Weird on mine it says battlemode 56gb & standard edition 56gb still waiting for mine to finish downloading as the xgp app does not tell you if your hd disc space is sufficient until AFTER you have downloaded meaning you have to redownload all over again (which I have had to do twice already!).
Does anyone else find gamepass is very slow compared to places like steam, I'd say it's about 1/3 the speed and I have to leave games downloading overnight. I'll have to see how much I'm downloading for doom. I've no interest in no but I can't see a way to stop that part as it said campaign was 10 mb.
The 10MB is just the DRM & digital certificates for the SP campaign I had that entry as well as 2 x 56GB when I viewed the game pass download progress.
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