5PM its gets updated also someone mentioned Skyrim is coming as well along with a few newish other games so big update day & lots of data to download around 5PM today UK time !!
I thought Skyrim was Xbox only?
5PM its gets updated also someone mentioned Skyrim is coming as well along with a few newish other games so big update day & lots of data to download around 5PM today UK time !!
Coming to PC as well not sure if today but its Bethesda (MS are about to own them!) so expect it sooner rather than later!I thought Skyrim was Xbox only?
Coming to PC as well not sure if today but its Bethesda (MS are about to own them!) so expect it sooner rather than later!
When it shows do not expect mod support!It wasn't announced for PC though. Or Android. It's not like Doom Eternal, where a Windows Store port was announced at the same time as the GP announcement. Bethesda aren't known to be porting Skyrim over to UWP. So it could be weeks, months, or even years before it shows up.
Bah...left that late to announce , whats that, like an hour before it was due?
Lol.What? I subscribed for the first time, due to this and now they are pulling it? Can we get a refund or pause the service?
You subbed to game pass just for ea play games? We haven't even been told which games are coming to game pass yet - why didn't you just sub to ea play instead if you weren't interested in anything else?
Gamepass was also on offer so went for that.
Game pass hs never been indentical across platforms. there are a number of games available on both, of course, and some of them are even 'play anywhere' titles that allow you to start on one platform and continue your game on another, but there are also games on the consoles not available on pc and visa versa and there's no guarantee at all that ea play will offer the same games on both.
I guess I just don't understand why you subbed to game pass if you were only interested in ea play when ea play hasn't been made available on game pass for the pc yet.
Yes I did. What difference does it make? They advertised an offer and they also announced a major expansion to their library for early in December, which is what drove me to buy it. They now (1 hour prior to release) said 'oops, next month we'll have news'. The selection of games now on PC is fairly poor (for me), which is why when I saw EA Play coming in early December and wanting to try some titles, I said, why not, give it a go.So you paid what, a pound?
Well that's annoying!
Was looking forward to star wars fallen order over the xmas break.
Because he could have got Xbox +ea for £1 over Christmas break?I was also looking forward to Star Wars but why not just pay £4 and play it on EA Play via Steam or Origin?