PC Games: The future looks Bright

i wouldnt worry to much about 2142 coz when the mods start to come out for bf2 like fh2 then the games going to get more people then when it started coz a large amount of people dont touch bf2 simpley for the fact that its not a ww2 game
Hmm not dead you say ?

Pretty much every game there is a another bland sequal to a "good" original franchise.

i predict PC gaming to die around C&C 19 when they have run out of every idea possible.
That will probably be around 2050. We might have implants in our heads then connecting us to our very own VR gamespace.
It's still alive and kicking I say. People like EA may be trying to kill it, but there are many other companies keeping it alive.
Efour2 said:
Hmm not dead you say ?

Pretty much every game there is a another bland sequal to a "good" original franchise.

i predict PC gaming to die around C&C 19 when they have run out of every idea possible.

Not a dig at your post exactly because you are kind of right (altho the are a few new games each year with something different), whats the alterative, get a console and play Mario vs sonic EX Alpha 2 turbo directors cut edition!
Efour2 said:
Hmm not dead you say ?

Pretty much every game there is a another bland sequal to a "good" original franchise.

i predict PC gaming to die around C&C 19 when they have run out of every idea possible.
STALKER, Hellgate: London and Spore are some original games that spring to mind. There must be loads of others. It's hardly a surprise that many are sequels (or spiritual sequels) but there is plenty of fresh stuff too.
Wilf said:
OMG I can't believe it! I've been wishing for a new Caesar game for years. :eek:
I didn't get to play Caesar III, but Caesar II rocked my world for a good long while. ;) Can't wait for the new one, it's going to be incredible. :)
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