Ah yes. That was such a good game!! Shame it doesnt work on modern systems.
It works fine on my 64-bit win7 running Athlon-II X3 system.
That's pretty modern
Ah yes. That was such a good game!! Shame it doesnt work on modern systems.
also on Steam for the weekend..
Dead Rising 2 £14.99
Resident Evil 5 £9.99
Just had a mooch around the local Tesco (Gillingham).
Just had a mooch around the local Tesco (Gillingham) and noticed in their PC games department Crysis 2 was labelled on the shelf at £2.10. Took the two on the shelf to the till, asked for a price check and they came up at £2.10 each. I told them that's really good as it's a £20-£30 game, she said it must be a mistake and she's sure "they'll notice eventually", then happily took my £4.20 and wished me a good evening.
I've had the game since launch, but I now know two people at work who will be happy tomorrow and owe me a bacon roll each!
Just thinking as it was labelled up on the shelf with the official sticker (not hand-written) and all the stores pricings are computerised, might be worth having a nip down to your local store if it's still open.
How does it work, what should you load up to get the most complete game, Beyond the Sword?
No point, my local store is Gillingham
Are the Civilization games any good? for £3.74?
Are the Civilization games any good? for £3.74?
crysis 2 is scanning through at tescos for 2 quid if you lucky and have stock in
this was a national misprice whether they have fixed it at your tescos i dont know but for two quid awesome game
Awesome. it's also a steamworks game so it activates on steam.
Might pop up over tonight to get it
not sure but i know my missus had the last one as i was going to buy a shed load i just know its at all tescos unless theyve changed the mistake
missus just walked in with game pirce 2.10 rofl
Are the Civilization games any good? for £3.74?