*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Neil. You're a legend. How is this working?

Because it thinks you are in USA when logged out by that link, then you apply the USA Code.. By the time you hit the checkout the fake usa details it's sent to your UK email.

  • http://store.origin.com/?ipr=ty
  • Without log-in
  • Choose a Game from this list: LINK
  • Apply the Discount Code OS3874XVC
  • Delete the game from the cart.
  • Login now
  • Search the game again and "buy" it for 0$.
  • Wait for the order confirmation email and of course, the game.

^ Another method
Any game under 19.99 some work, some don't

The method i posted is another way some are doing it..

As proven by some new posts on ocuk it is working :D
This sucks, it's spreading like fire all over the internet :(

EDIT : HOLY!!!!!!!! One guy got 10 FREE GAMES


Well, thank you Neil for getting me one game for free :)


Second method so far is working...

MAke sure ALL cookies are cleared with origin and cache - history e.t.c

EPIC - Another game added :D :D

TOTAL : $0

Server Error

We're very sorry, but we're currently experiencing technical difficulties.
Error: SYS_000001

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I know it's EA but I still feel kinda bad doing this so I think I'll just stick to the 1 game for now. If it works when I wake up I may grab another but for now, I'm done.
I don't feel bad at all...

Look what they did to past game companies, look what they have done to the BF franchise and look whats happening to the latest FPS game!
Chance to win a free game - The Ship (on steam)

winners will receive a Steam key sent by email. Each copy comes with two additional giftable copies, and each of those copies comes with one additional giftable copy. So really, it's like five copies for the price of none.
I entered earlier tonight and received a code within a couple of hours so confirmed working, but the site is under heavy load, might have to keep trying to get onto the link.
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