*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***


“We wanted to clear up the confusion: all users that completed the survey will receive an email soon (in the next one – two days) which will contain a new code for $20 off a purchase of any EA game on Origin priced $19.99 or above.”
As for the previous gaff :p


Hi everyone,

The coupon code is now expired; we’ll honor all sales made with the coupon code over the weekend and hope fans enjoy their games.

Sam "QforQ" Houston

So another survery + code is coming soon from EA for a free game(s)
Getting away with stealing, GG.

EA ran a good promotion for a change, people "stuck it to them" because they're EA, justifying it with how EA are "evil" etc.

So EA don't punish those who exploited the code, yet people will still stick it to EA at every given chance.

You've already said how you won't give EA money.
It was also like yesterday EA released that statement, I saw it on their Origin insider, I didn't say anything, as you said ;


Can we drop it now and move on PLEASE, I think this will go around in circles... Agree to Disagree

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Martini1991 is just upset because he missed out on the deal, Oh and if i remember rightly according the Eula you sign up to, you don't actually own the game anyway or did the mighty Martini1991 forget about that ;)

Martin might not be upset but many people are upset by the fact they can no longer make use of an offer because people like you exploited their system. No matter what you try and say/do to justify your action, it's people like you who spoil good things for others.
A new survey code to those you'd ruined it for.
Doesn't say anything about a new survey.

You tried justifying it with misquoting the T&C's and your EA hate.

While you do give a lot to this forum section, your opinions aren't half blinkered and absurd.
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No it's not the same ;

“We wanted to clear up the confusion: all users that completed the survey will receive an email soon (in the next one – two days) which will contain a new code for $20 off a purchase of any EA game on Origin priced $19.99 or above.”

Do you constantly misquote to justify your actions?
Jesus Martin... just let it go. Can we please get back to posting deals... which is the reason this thread exists in the first place.
I didn't bring it back up.

Nor did i, EA released a statement regarding the old deal and a new one is coming which is specific to this thread. Yet straight away, you're getting all angry and wound up which is utterly pointless, people have been exploiting deals since people have been able to buy and sell goods. It's ea's mistake, christ if i went into a store and saw a mistake on a product i'd use that mistake i wouldn't go upto the clerk and say hey this is a mistake i'd like to pay the full price please

This started again when Neil posted about the new codes being given to the people who completed the surveys. That's not a deal.

Incorrect, ea is stating that the DEAL is final and allowed. If it was any other news regarding a deal it would be allowed.

I've done nothing wrong, if you guys can't see that then so be it
I'm not angry and wound up.
Also, you did bring it back up (Are you views that blinkered?)

Taking games for free (Some people took upwards of 20) is nothing like seeing a mistake on a product.
I mean everyone's had that experience where they've been undercharged or what not, don't realise, that's a normal mistake, life goes on. It's a different situation where you've just taken a multitude of an item for free for the sheer fact you can (That is just stealing)
Yes you did, what you posted is not a deal.

The coupon code is now expired; we’ll honor all sales made with the coupon code over the weekend and hope fans enjoy their games.
That looks like a deal to me ^

Anyway I got 4 games and many other ocukers got more or less, they were greatful for the deal. If more people were happy with my posting and a couple were upset, then that's good enough for me. You can never please everyone.

I'm done here, I'm happy many others were happy with the deal, you're not so i don't care. Your loss not mine! :)
Can we please just all drop the subject? That is the only way that this thread will move past it... that or a mod culls half the posts made in the last few days.

GMG20-FXYD1-7WHP1 gives 20% off on all PC Downloads at Green Man Gaming until 11:00 UTC on 19/10/2012 (apart from X-Com NA)

Which makes:

Hitman Absolution Pre-Order = £21.59
Skyrim Hearthfire = £2.80
Dishonored = £23.99
Post 8202 is NOT a deal and just drags up something that we'd all stopped posting in here about.

And Speed, my problem with you is the fact that Neil dragged this topic up again and then you go and blame Martini and tell him to get over it.
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