*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Just ended up buying Batman Arkham City GOTY from GMG :rolleyes: (was trying not to buy anything until steam sale)

Only just started playing Arkham Asylum tonight from buying it the other day from GMG :)

Didn't realise it was 20GB to download :eek:

So much DRM also but nvm :) for the money should be worth it
It's amazing that you can play the full Duke Nukem on your iPhone... well I suppose it's even more amazing that you can play the full GTA III too and it looks incredible.
So im sat there a few days ago, saying to myself whilst browsing through those crazy offers on gmg. "do not buy any more games just because they are cheap" No harm in looking though is there. I mean who would buy Batman AA after already playing it on console before. "yes but at less than £3 its worth another play through right?, you'd be silly not to" So i cave in and buy it.
Then tonight comes along and im browsing again and what do i see risen 2 @ a ridiculous price. I tell myself no No NO and definatley NOT!!!!!......

2hrs later its downloading. (*facepalm*) :D:D:D Hope its a good game!
Ive not played dante's inferno, but if im correct Dante's is similar to god of war / devil may cry?

If so the gameplay mechanics is similar, but with a rpg element to it. Good/fun story, epic boss battles, and cool weapons/powers upgrades.

Excellent length aswell, im 21 ours in and still has a few more to go, so your getting your moneys worth.

Yes it's similar to God of War. It's a hack and slash game which I played on the console which was fantastic and very atmospheric.

I'll watch some videos in the meanwhile and see if this game is similar.
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