It did for me, so may have been a mistake on their part.
Sorry if thats the case.
Is LotR War in the North worth playing?
Tempted to grab it off GMG
If you like LOTR then you should have fun with it, but even so there are better LOTR games. If you don't like LOTR then definitely don't get it.
Is it likely that batman will goto 75% off again?
devil may cry 4 is £1.19 at Greenmangaming with the code below.
also registers on steam
Thanks, think I'll grab it
Works out about £2.60 with the discount code
free Metro 2033 43LKX-GPFF0-TILPM. I have already have it.
Where's the cheapest place to get:
The Walking Dead
Arma 2 Combined Operations