*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Ive gone with downloading BF3 to start with, as I reckon most people will be on steam. Im getting full download this end (1.5mb). Everything went through fine.

Same - I'm getting 17MB/s at the moment (useful to have 120Mb connection!). I haven't really seen anything wrong with Origin yet... though I still hate EA!

The Humble Bundle is amazingly good for me as I have none of the games. Still got lots to play from the Steam sale, but this is too good to miss! :D
:D - I'd be very happy then!

In all seriousness though it has been known to add games (Humble Bundle) a week or so in just to get more people to buy.

Fingers crossed! :D

Yes, you get 2 copies - 1 for steam, 1 for origin. Choose where to install, or activate on both.

But all codes are for personal use, so no gifting / selling.:mad: Then again, why not buy 2 bundles for this price?

Why can the codes not be gifted?

I have spilt them between 2 steam & 2 Origin accounts.
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bah wont accept my payment,

paid through amazon and its pulled for a manual payment check or something,

must think all scots are dodgy :)
How much did you all pay? Just out of interest.

I paid $5.60 (£3.72) right after it was released, average at the time was $5.59.

Guys with that Humble deal. If I pay $4.53 does that mean I get all titles listed?

Many thanks.

Yes but best to pay say $0.20 more just to be safe in case it goes up a little bit.

As long as you beat the average (at the time of purchase) by $0.01 (or more) you will get them all.
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What's Origin like?

I've heard absolute horror stories about the nightmare it is, and even stories going as far as it trying to convert your previously bought EA games into the Origin system, which they can then pull the plug on whenever get feel like it.

Any truth to that or is it just similar to Steam?
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