GMG sale starts tomorrow apparantly, in case anyone wants to wait to see what their prices are like in comparison.
Greenman Gaming Email, oooohhh exciting. :d
Think I'll wait until this afternoon before buying skyrimGot this in my inbox, hoping it's as good as their last sale.
Sale starts at 1600UTC... which is 4pm for us British apparently.
Also Batman: Arkham Origins is going for ~£13 on
Fantastic game mate, grab it now and get the DLC once you've completed ita game I'd happily pay full rrp for!/download-dishonored-game-of-the-year-edition/5006846
£10 for the GOTY edition before any codes
wheres the cheapest place to find AC4?
The MM.
wheres the cheapest place to find AC4?
GMG slowly updating i think
Has anyone seen any good deals for Battlefield 4 Premium? Can't find it for less than £32, although these guys are selling it a bit cheaper but I've never heard of them.
Warning! This product requires the standard version of the game to be activated on your Origin account!"