Yeah bought it a few days ago on impulse - liked the idea of being able to play as a shark. Only had a few games so far, 2 as a diver and 1 as a shark. Haven't quite made my mind up about it yet - my first thoughts were it was a bit meh but I haven't really given it a chance yet to be fair.Depth - free to play for about the next 8 hours and reduced to £3.74 on steam. Just had a few games and seemed like good fun, anyone else tried it?
Doom VFR - £10 on Amazon if you have Prime, £2 off at checkout for preorder.
Cheers for this, would have missed it otherwise. Remember starting it on the 360 and must have got distracted by something else at the time, looking forward to this, especially as it supports ultrawide!Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition is £2.99 on Steam currently.
Damn, missed this one.Original Fallout available free until September 30th at 11:59PM Pacific Time