*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Thanks, just got mine also! When I clicked the "Yes, subscribe me to this list" in the email, it told me I was getting a free game but that was it. Nothing came through email afterwards, so I clicked the link again but this time gave me the option to get my free game.
Well, thats what it says on steam page anyway, one of the reviewers, its free thou.

Yeah not ideal but free is free! Still a classic game.

It's weird this version doesn't have the music, pretty sure I bought this on iPad and the original music, Offspring etc was on there.
Yeah not ideal but free is free! Still a classic game.

It's weird this version doesn't have the music, pretty sure I bought this on iPad and the original music, Offspring etc was on there.
I just read another review, and they say all can be fixed by modding game if you want thou.
Is Homefront: The Revolution a good game for £14 with all DLC?
I really enjoyed this one. I grabbed the base game only from CDKEYS for £5.99.

Some of it was stunning, I loved the setting and appearance of the game. I had one crash only. Basically if you like the modern Far Crys then you will enjoy this.

The opening I though very pretty blumin' violent! :o
Did you agree to join the mailing list for Sega updates to?

Mine came instantly but only as it wanted to confirm my address for the mailout -

Subscription Confirmed
Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.

Thank you for subscribing!

You can now follow this link to receive your free game.
There was no option to join a mailing list as after the gender question, it just kicks my out to the 404 message on the sega site and when I enter in the surveymonkey url again, I just get a thanks for taking the survey message along with a Done box to click and clicking that just gives me another thanks for taking the survey with an option to sign up for a surveymonkey account with nothing else related to sega.

I think it's either ended or is broken.
If get the 404, someone on another forum said just F5 until it works.
Try with browser addons off, that bugged their site for me.
I've already tried with MS edge (which I don't even use) and still got the 404 regardless of how many times I hit the F5 button and from the looks of things according to a thread on the sega community forum the survey has already ended which would explain the 404 message.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds £18.59 using code PUBGCDKEYS7


Is it fun at all on your own and do you really need to have CSGO type skills to get anywhere on it as I don't class myself remotely 'decent' at all playing on line?

I got it a week ago from CDKeys.

With very little practice (7 hours in total) I've finished 2nd once and 3rd twice. Bear in mind my k/d in BF4 (100 hours total) was just below 1, and in BF1 I'm a lot worse than that. I'd say the best thing about PUBG is that the most important factor in success is decision making rather than gunplay ability, it's really refreshing in that way.
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