Never heard of them, you used them before?
Yep a couple of times, never had a problem with them
Well, apart from that crappy captcha stuff, but that's something on all sites that I hate
Never heard of them, you used them before?
To spot the affiliate links hover the mouse over. Should be "ref=" etc etc
Where is this?
Found it:
No affiliate links please. I've edited your link to remove it
i think this was because you quoted the guy who posted an affiliate link, so the quoted link was still his affiliate one.. so they deleted his post and yours since they both contained that link
Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition £3.59 (85% off) -
Dark Souls type game for those that missed it.
Never had any issues that I have noticed myself with Denovo.
Not to say this is not an issue though. I am a member of this Steam group that keeps tabs on it all and lists effected games:
It seems Watchdogs is free on Uplay, until the 13th.
Just came to post this. Seems though mine only says preload? does that mean it isn't unlocked yet? I haven't tried to download the game yet.