*** PC Gaming - Daily Deals Thread ***

Does anyone know the cheapest Incan hope for the division (gold edition) for pc in Xmas sale. Cheapest I can find right now is £20 from cdkeys but I think it has been much cheaper. With number 2 out soon I am hoping for a fire sale esp as I want 2 of my mates who are a bit reticent to get it to join in too . Thanks
Anyone bought a code off Very.co.uk, they have Battlefield 5 for £29.99 at the moment
Also see that Argos has it at the same price, don't know if it a physical disk or if they do key downloads
Now just found it £26.85 on Simplygames, looks like I have bought a couple of games from them in the past with no problem - now downloading
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dont!.... pCARS2 is better than number 1 in every respect. do yourself a favour and just buy the current humble monthly $12 and you get pCARS2 base game (which has almost all the content of pCARS1 complete edition) as well as just cause 3 and a whole bunch of stuff.
Just seen Project Cars 2 on there for less than £15! And Project Cars for less than £6. Been kind of tempted to give them a go but at less than £6 I'm gonna go for the first one, see how I like it then get the second :cool:

Project Cars 2 is in this month's humble monthly bundle if that helps, so cheaper plus you'll get some other games.

Edit - beat me to it @bigmike20vt :)
Guys - just a reminder after having to remove a few posts, there is no selling outside of the member's market.
I just checked Humble Bundle and not sure if I understand the concept, but is it an automatically renewed monthly subscription service? I've bought bundles before (literally years ago, when it first started) but they were one-off purchases?
just buy one month and then once you get your stuff cancel so it wont renew :) i drop in and out now and then when i see a title i really fancy.

Guys - just a reminder after having to remove a few posts, there is no selling outside of the member's market.

oops sorry, i got a bit complacent there.. i was just trying to help the fella out, :)
Ahh ok, thanks. To be honest, looking at some of the past bundles this seems amazing value, plus that's probably the amount I spend per month on games anyway. Might go for the 3 month option :cool:
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