Picked up the only missing Far Cry game in my collection - Far Cry Blood Dragon - for £1.50 on Uplay.
I swear this game was amazingly fun! Most fun I've had on a Far Cry game in a while.
Picked up the only missing Far Cry game in my collection - Far Cry Blood Dragon - for £1.50 on Uplay.
Awesome, thanks.https://register.ubisoft.com/watch-dogs-2/en-US
This is a direct download link (if someone somehow is miraculously logged in) if you dont want to watch the stream.
Late to the party, but tried it just now and it seemed to work... got to wait 48 hours for it to show up in the account, apparently.Going to copy this here for those not subscribed to this thread.
Watchdogs 2 and other rewards apparently working here:
Late to the party, but tried it just now and it seemed to work... got to wait 48 hours for it to show up in the account, apparently.
I swear this game was amazingly fun! Most fun I've had on a Far Cry game in a while.
Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War - free on GOG
Ping him this while you're at it:-Sending this to a friend, he's massively into Warhammer games so, if he doesn't already have it, should like it.
Pay £1 or more to unlock!
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (mixed)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Game of the Year Edition (overwhelmingly positive)
Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion (very positive)
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide (very positive)
Beat the average to unlock!
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II (very positive)
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (mixed)
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach (very positive)
Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Enhanced Edition (mixed)
Pay £10.50 or more to also unlock!
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Collection
Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® III (mixed)
Ping him this while you're at it
Late to the party, but tried it just now and it seemed to work... got to wait 48 hours for it to show up in the account, apparently.
Due to high demand, this page is temporarily unavailable. Please come back later to claim your free copy of the game.
So annoying.it says the event is over.
Farcry5 on Epic games for £7.49 Standard Edition.
Gold edition for £14.99 but if you have the £10 off voucher then it brings it down to £4.99.