PC Gaming Nostalgia

Before Xfire went down, my stats on COD:UO were in the region of 500 hours. Great game and a step above MOH:AA which I liked a lot as well!

Its between COD:UO and BF2 for best FPS, perhaps the latter pipping it when you had a good squad of mates.
Half Life
Unreal Tournament (99)
Quake 2
Quake 3

Good times :)
The 'good old days',.......... the days of Windows crashes, IRQ conflicts, bad drivers, buggy games expensive internet. I wouldn't wish those days on anyone. Sure the games had charm but most haven't aged that well although I would content with downloading dosbox and playing through Tie Fighter.
Fond memories!

Ah the glory days when being a PC gamer required an esoteric knowledge of your hardware, and the size of the drivers for your various cards so you could juggle what was loaded on a per game basis, a time when being an avid PC gamer meant you had a box full of boot discs labelled by which games they let you run. ;) (and some had foot notes like "if you erase this disc I will kill you" on the Ultima 8 boot disc*)

I think there is an element of rose tinted specs for PC gaming in the "old days", but it was also new to us and the big, well known games relied very heavily on gameplay as graphics were not great.

I've been clearing out some of the old PC game boxes and there are some I just can't bring myself to throw away due to the memories, things like the original floppy disc version of UFO (X-com), Warcraft 2 (one of my first CD-rom games) which was bought from a little game shop in Milton Keynes after watching the someone play it on the in store PC (IIRC they used to let you pay to play on it by the hour), Wing Commander, Privateer (with the speech pack).
The box art on the old games was often something special, and I really miss the days when you got the likes of the System Shock, UFO and UO artwork, they were really nice to look at on the shelves.

These days I think some of the Indie games have given me the closest feeling in terms of gaming to what I used to experience in the old days, things like Ark, Terreria, and Subnautica for example are/were to my mind more fun than most of the big AAA titles, I think in part because games development costs so much now that the big publishers tend to want to stick to big franchises that they know they can sell well to young teens and gamers with a short attention span who will buy a 20 hour game every week or two.
I would love to see a modern Mechwarrior 2 remake (especially if they include Merc's and netmech), as that was awe inspiring (another one I've still got the box for;)), and I can imagine what they could do to the world and game with modern technology, however the sequels were all disappointing as they did away with so many of it's best bits for a more arcade experience (mechwarrior online was fun, but the matchmaker was awful, and I hate playing with random idiots, about 4 of us were playing it heavily for a while before the bugs/matchmeker/random idiots annoyed us too much).
I can imagine what could be done with modern usb game controllers, as Steel Battallion on the Xbox had an awesome control set (if very big and complicated), but something like Mechwarrior 2 using the capabilities of a Logitech G13 pad combined with a half decent flight stick would be incredible.

Having said all that, probably my fondest memories of PC gaming are from games I played with friends, things like Ultima Online back in the early 00's when Europa was extremely busy and I was lucky enough to join the Veterans of Finstemore, then moved to the sub guild "TAV" :)
Or CS/Team Fortress with the old QRGR clan as a part time member (early Iseries lans used to get 20-30 of us, about 10 core members and odds and friends who may have been in other clans but the only member of that clan to go).

*For some reason I remember that as being possibly the hardest game to get running,
I used to keep a notepad (and text file on on a disc) with notes on the config.sys and autoexac.bat files, what combinations gave the best free memory using himen.sys etc.
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I so naive when I first got into PC hardware upgrades. It was the mid 90's and 3FX's Voodoo 1 was the must have upgrade for my Intel P200 and 15" CRT monitor, this would be my first every upgrade. I spent weeks and weeks working for dad and washing cars when I finally had the £100 odd or so to purchase this card. Of course I didn't bother to check if I had a compatible motherboard, the right slots etc I just assumed it was plug and play easy peasey. So with that I wrote a cheque out to whom ever I was purchasing of stuck the cheque in an envelope with my purchase order and sent it off first class and about just over a week latter a large parcel came back with my name on it.

Of course being excited I didn't bother to read the instructions properly, opened up my case put in my new piece of kit, plugged in the pass through cables from the accelerator card to the main VGA card, booted up windows and a game and low and behold every looked the same as it did before. I spent the next 3 days trying to get it work and the software to install and some how I managed to get it all working and even though I was tearing my hair out thinking I had blown £100 the instant it started working I was blown away by the improvements.
Ah yes:
  • Manuals so large that they could be used to knock out a bear - I'm looking at you Falcon 4.0!
  • Code wheels used to access the game - SWOTL had a rather nifty one!
  • Playing online games on a 28k modem - Air Warrior at ridiculous o'clock in the morning flying with a bunch of Yanks.
Hah! Yep - many, many boot up discs for various games!
Wow mechwarrior and falcon 4.0 some great memories being shared here.

For us older generation it's the fun we had playing together online in clans that we miss.

Maybe we are just past that now? Which is sad in itself.

For me the absoloute best glory times were BF2 with a full squad of friends on gulf or rushing the city of karkand. It almost makes me sad to think back but a happy sad for me times were a bit simpler back then and perhaps that's part the problem!
Wow mechwarrior and falcon 4.0 some great memories being shared here.

For us older generation it's the fun we had playing together online in clans that we miss.

Maybe we are just past that now? Which is sad in itself.

For me the absoloute best glory times were BF2 with a full squad of friends on gulf or rushing the city of karkand. It almost makes me sad to think back but a happy sad for me times were a bit simpler back then and perhaps that's part the problem!

I really don't get much time to game these days. By the time I get home from work, cook dinner, clear up and have my daily dose of nagging from my other half I'm rarely in the mood to start playing games. At weekends I'll put in some time but during the week it's gaming sessions are rare for me these days.
I think it's because of age and the amount of games these days. Some developers are too afraid to try something new so we get rehashed games by different developers that basically just have a different skin but most of the mechanics are the same.
I would love to see a more modern version of the original Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.

Siege is like half way there with the premise. All it needs is proper narrative story line where you travel from location to location to do a more varied list of tasks other than hostage and bomb diffuse. Something like:

School Siege - where there are classrooms to clear and 'X' number of civilians to extract safely.
Bank Heist - where the negotiations have broken down and you need to work through similar principle but different setting
Run away train - where a bomb has been planted on the train and you have to intercept and disarm
Embassy Raid - Break into the embassy to steal back sensitive information that the Russian
Terrorist Training Camp - You get embedded into the camp and have to collect data on the organisation and their plan and then dismantle the camp from the inside.
Skyscraper - The camp leads to a city skyscraper in tokyo with business men and you have extract them to gain intel

Etc Etc

It can still lead to an overall plot and actually the one that was in the original Rainbow Six with Ebola and environment activists was very good.
I think it's because of age and the amount of games these days. Some developers are too afraid to try something new so we get rehashed games by different developers that basically just have a different skin but most of the mechanics are the same.

With the ridiculous budgets that some of these AAA games have now they are less likely to take risks. But then again people keep buying it, you can't blame devs for giving people what they seemingly want.
With the ridiculous budgets that some of these AAA games have now they are less likely to take risks. But then again people keep buying it, you can't blame devs for giving people what they seemingly want.

The problem started when the consoles came out (mainly 360) and they couldn't support huge maps with a large amounts of players. The combat is so crammed and bottlenecked that you are guaranteed to get action within 30 seconds which breeds instant gratification. Its a shame really because games in the early 2000's were pushing new limits and the devs were looking for the next new idea to try out.
With the ridiculous budgets that some of these AAA games have now they are less likely to take risks. But then again people keep buying it, you can't blame devs for giving people what they seemingly want.

Unfortunately that's the truth. As long as it sells, people buy it. If people buy it, why change it?
Ultima online and half-life. My two favourite games ever :-)

I doubt I'll have the same feeling playing any games but some still come close. I have high hopes for star citizen if it ever comes out.. and I am enjoying the alpha a lot. Recently Rimworld has been the star for me though.
I liked the old manic fps like quake, Star Trek elite forces 2 and unreal tournament. I think you have to be young to have the time to get good and reflexes though.

I bought monkey island remastered the other week though and I'm enjoying working through that again.
Woo hoo. Full throttle one of my favourite games remastered and releasing in april - that's going to be a blast from the past. That and monkey island 1+2 my best memories of gaming, many an hour spent with friends trying to get just a bit further.
Chuck yaegaers air combat, Doom 2, GTA 1, quake 1 and especially Vietcong - that was an amazing game even though people edited code so they were running round with trees on their heads - god that's made me feel old know :-)
Quicksaving is the older way of doing things! Much older (and in my opinion better) than the more modern 'checkpoint' system that seems to replace quicksaving.

Yeah I hate lack of quicksave and the more common check point system in more recent games - often don't know how long I will have to sit and play a game or some bits can get tedious and kill my interest in a game unnecessarily if can't just quicksave at will and come back to the game when I feel like it or have some time.
I recently played through some oldies:

Quest For Glory 1 (vga remake)
Space Quest 4
Jones & The Fast Lane
Heroes of Might & Magic 3

Looks like my early game life was dictated by Sierra :D
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